Thursday, December 31, 2015

Happy Kwanzaa!

Hi kids!! 

I first want to wish everyone a happy holiday season. I know I'm late and been more MIA than the stereotypical dead beat dad lol. And I'm sorry. Been dealing with life to the fullest and at times more than I could handle. 

So this year I was damned and determined to do Kwanzaa this year. So instead of reflecting on the outside like I did the year before last (2013) and the year before that (2012). I decided to reflect on myself as a person. And have a chit-chat on how Kwanzaa was applied to my life through examples. Because we all learn something new everyday and sometimes taking on others experiences are a plus because you can kind of have a thought in mind about a situation without going fully blindly into, right?? So like always I hope this helps you out and adds entertainment or even a peace of mind lol. 


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