Monday, November 12, 2012

Autumny Updates!

Hey Guys & Dolls!

Since I didn't have a chance to do so a few weeks ago I thought it would be nice to give you all an update on what's new and improved on the site here!

Well after the malicious malware fiasco back in October was over. I did make a few changes before it happened and shortly after.

Now lets get to it!

New Improvement #1

The Wibiya Toolbar. Before the toolbar at the bottom of the page was quite boring and annoying and not very entertaining. It was complete eye sore!! So I happen to go check on it and realized they made an update and thus te bar got updated. Now it's better than ever! Not only does it change on how you happen upon my site here but it gives you options to like, share or even tweet what you see! How cool is that?? So keep on sharing ok!

New Improvement #2

The Floating Share Bar. Wasn't that other one just absolutely gastly?! Ugh I got tired of looking at the ugly thing myself. So I spent weeks looking for a new one and kept getting duds that wouldn't work for the site. Then I happen upon ShareThis. Apparently I made an account (which is free) awhile ago. Now we have a good looking "Hovering" Share Bar. If you're interested in knowing more about the ShareThis Bars, click here!

New Improvement #3

Lost My Muchness. Well it's not much of an improvement so to speak, but I've been noticing lately that a lot of the images posted have disappeared or gone to Narnia. Yes yes I know it's a total bummer but I didn't know!! So for the sake of all this Bunny and Awesomeness I've tried to find the images and update the ones i could remember. Fix those that i do remember! So please be patient, if you happen to find a missing image on one of the post dont hesitate to let me know via the Ask Bunny page. Now the ones I can't recall or find the image to I'm forced to delete those ones. I'm sorry, I know if you really liked a post and it disappears it's the most heart breaking thing ever!! BELIEVE ME I KNOW!! However we will get through this and learn to accept things as is and move on with new pictures and posts.

Which brings us to...

New Improvement #4

Bunny 404. Recently I saw that one of the post were missing an image. By recent I mean this morning lol. So I deleted it because I couldn't recall what image went there and since the image URL is broken and invalid it makes things a tiny bit more difficult. Well after I delete such said post. I happen to click the link to make sure it's gone only to dislike my custom 404 Error page. What the hell kind of high did I have going on that night?? I asked myself. She said I don't know which didn't help me much. Anyway, I did some research and improved my error page with the help of Web Mistakes | Custom Error Pages. To be honest after all that hard work I'm actually happy with it. You can visit the new and improved error page, by clicking A Cup-o-Cute. This is for those of you who haven't seen it of course, and now you know it exists lol. 
Update: Due to the natural flow of things, the error message doesn't seem to show on the web version of the site, so therefore I'm working on getting that fixed as soon as possible. To see the mobile version of the error message, click here. Please be patient while I correct this issue, Thank You!

New Improvement #5

Facebook Page!! Welp! I finally broke down and decided to get a Facebook Page made strictly for the blog and all things blog alike. I didn't mind having my personal Facebook up and it still available for you to click and add me as a friend. It was just that my Facebook was all about me and nothing really about the blog. We can't have that, now can we?? So I fixed it up good and it's still a work in progress I won't lie lol. But if you have the time please head on over to Facebook and like the new ItzMzBunny Page or you can always click here to do so too :D.

New Improvement #6

New Pages!? So since blogger has a limit on how many pages one can use. I've decided that a lot of the pages that are up and running will be turned into blog posts. So when the time comes and I need a new page I can always have one if needed. While I'm still working on the 31 Day Nail Challenge individual posts, as well as the 13 Day Novel and the 30 Day Confessions. I decided that I would give them a more easier page to direct you to them. Which means the À La Bunné menu will be getting its own page. I'm not sure when I'll get to it—hopefully it can be up by time the World Ends lol. If not just be patient with me ok :D. Like always you'll definitely be told when those improvements are made.

Other than that, that's all the improvement for now. I hope we can keep on improving and make this an awesome spectacle that makes all other blogs and sites very jealous lol.

And as always thank you very much for coming here to visit and read and just get to know me. It makes me happy and I know this is really corny and sappy but I love you guys and dolls *\(^o^)/*




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