Tuesday, April 17, 2012


So yea I almost forgot to tell you guys lol.

Anyway theres been this guy that works at the Walgreens in the neighborhood. That seems to have an interest in me. And I'm not really that interested but he seemed to have tuned down the aggressiveness and doesn't act so creepery.

I dunno I'm sorry guys, but I like aggression just not when I'm first meeting someone or meeting a guy. I get tense and defensive and my immediate thought is creeper. Plus my "not so good run ins with men" doesn't help much either. I know, I know I'm like a train wreck waiting to happen.

Anyway. It seemed like I always was in the Walgreens on a Wednesday evening or night and he would flirt and I'd try to make eye contact with the candy that's a foot about my feet lol. So one particular Wednesday he said he can't wait to see me next Wednesday because I made his night and he was smiling so I had to chuckle like what a strange cookie he is lol.

So the night of the Pharmacy issue I went to the Walgreens to pick up some soda pop & Häagen Dazs Mango Sorbet. Good stuff right. And he got so happy and smiled. That I noticed but I was so caught up in my battle of what happened I was half paying attention and when he spoke to me. I realized then I still lived in reality and had to turn around to see who it was I unsubconsciously spoke to. That word will be in the dictionary next year lol. So he says hey what are toying here today's Tuesday. Tuesday?? What's that?? And then I realized I avoided him so long I gives my inner clock and calendar knew to avoid Wednesdays ONLY but it was either night time traffic, Walgreens or the good corner store lol. Then he said here I am hoping for another Wednesday to see you and you're here on Tuesday. Switchin it up on me huh?? And he laughed.

But in it all I couldn't help but smile and giggle because that corny joke was kinda nice.

Then of course all hell broke loose. And the kiddie me who has ADD & ADHD saw this Lil squishy koala bear toy that was not only cute and felt nice and cost a $1!! But get this—HE LIGHTED UP TOO!!

And with my goofy retarded self I got all happy and interested wondering if there were cuties like him in that nostalgic toy aisle.

I guess the silly smile and happiness I had on my face intrigued him enough to rhetorically ask me if I liked bright things.

And for a moment in my embarrassment I looked up at him he's like 6' something. Smiling down at me. I'm in befuddled and confluzzled. But I couldn't help but smile like a ridiculous 5 year old who was told they're getting a year supply of ice cream and birthday cake for dinner.

Then I caught myself and realized how much a klutz I was being and lowered my head in shame while I powered walked to the toy aisle. Unfortunately they were in the Easter aisle and only had pink and purple critters. I wanted a blue squishy :(.

But I was happy and felt good. I dunno maybe it was the attention he gave me. Or maybe it was because he saw a side of me I usually don't let show too often. I like things that are cute and kawaii and I start to squeal like a baby over them lol can't help it. That's just the way I am.

But for once, I was actually kinda happy I went there instead. Usually I just hate going period but this time I was happy.

So April might not be soo bad after all right?? I got hit on twice XD

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