Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Hurry! Hurry! Read All About It!!

Subscriptions can be quite informative when you don't have the time to browse your favorite site or blog or you might be away from the internet but you're email subscriptions keep you up-to-date.

What I love the most about subscriptions is learning about news that I may have missed, learning something new or keeping up with some of my favorite sites. The other best thing about a subscription is that in my case since I'm a blogger, I get to connect to people on a more personal level. I don't consider any of my followers or readers just random people or one of thousands.

I took into account when I was building my own blog and having a RSS feed subscription was nice but I felt it wasn't personal enough to make my readers or future subscribers feel like I cared enough or how much I truly appreciated them for taking time out of their day to look at my site and find something that not only interested them but even gave them something that they may have been looking for, needing or that little push we all need at some point in our lives. This year in the midst of all my changes I decided that I wanted to make that more of a personal commitment and I created a newsletter. It's nothing fancy but I also know how much it's a pain to go see what's new or sit there and wait for something new or reread something you've already seen hundreds of times, right?! Thus the newsletter not only shows you the newest post but it also gives you a list of previous posts so in case whatever I talked about for the day doesn't interest you, there's a possible replacement. Then if you have a friend you'd like to share the email with you can. I made it so I can personally address everyone who signs up by their name and show them what's new. Not too many subscriptions do that, either! (if you'd like to know more about my newsletter: click here)

Unfortunately there's many of us who are baffled as to what a RSS Feed Subscription is, it's basically the same as a newsletter. Mostly the emails are sent only when there's a post, oppose to the possibility of newsletter sending something everyday or a few times per day. There are many ways to manipulate and use an RSS feed, many keep it as a back up or reference, while others use it as a slight alternative to a website without having the customer/reader go to the actual website to get what they want or looking for or even buy. Many stores have subscriptions so they can send their customers coupons, deals or offer some type of reward. While blogs and other sites offer information that their readers and subscribers may find interesting. Other do it to stay connected to their readers and even build a bigger audience.

I'll even admit and say they are quite hard to deal with when you first get introduce to them. But there are plenty of websites out there like this one that helps you along the way in the most easiest way as possible. I happen to use Feedburner in the beginning but I didn't like the whole bland look it gave whether it was emails or the actual feed itself. This year I switch to MailChimp to make it more easier to design and edit and make it more user friendly for everyone and not just myself. Both work the same way and give whoever subscribes to my blog an update (when I have a post for the day) on the new posts. It's a lot of work, but I think if you're readers and customers are satisfied then you've done a good job. Or at least I think so lol.


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