Saturday, March 16, 2013

Work Out Week?!

So, I been considering loosing weight since last year, I know I lost some after the epic Flu I got when the New Year hit. Unfortunately, that wasn't enough or a lot! I guess due to my impatience that I was immediate results. And also I remember when I did portion control with my mother when she was losing weight back when I was a teen in high school and not only did that not help me, I had to listen to the gym teacher (who was more than obese) tell me how fat I was, even at my heaviest of a size 18, 188lbs. But I gained my weight due to peer pressure, lost the weight due to peer pressure and gained it all back due to peer pressure. If I didn't have the negativity I think that I could've stayed at my size 8 weight which was between 130 and 155.

Last year, well lets say it wasn't the best year. So me trying to focus on losing weight wasn't about to happen. I was distracted, and overall being lazy. I hated gym class with a passion and I never was an exercise buff. Just to snap up and start doing exercise is like hoping that one day all fast food will be healthy and good for us lol. I tried the wii and it was fun but after it decided to act like a retard and stop working there was no more interest, you know?

I wondered what I could I do and even finding healthy food at an affordable price is ridiculous. In high school I tried every dietary supplement out there from pills to protein based shakes, none of them really help.

Now I made mention last March of my way of losing weight. It's not the most healthiest approach but it's what helped me the most. Why I don't know, it just did. In middle and junior high schools I was a size 22 at my heaviest. So I started skipping meals and I would lose a few pounds here and there. Then when I got into high school my dad showing me a picture of me being a peachy fat tripped me out and I went into anorexia mindset and cut food all together. Even though I lost weight and was contented, I had to stay active so subtle exercising worked best. I was also a cheerleader and on the high school band. So I was fine. Unfortunately not to the point that the crazies of high school just confused me. I ended up turning into a bulimic and would have terrible episodes of throwing up at random times. Now when I think back on it, I think a lot of that was stress.

Then enter college with delicious unhealthy meals, some were healthy but also having class all day with no hope of a meal, meant you're eating snack for dinner and all pulling an all-nighter with your big old box of candies. Thus I went from a mere size 18 up to a size 26! HOLY COW!! Talk about a fluffy bunny! But I lost my weight from stress, my condition and just being down right miserable my weight was the champions of yo-yos. After college I tried to control it by going for walks in the neighbor and because I had to since I wasn't driving. It worked for a little while and I was a steady size 20 but I got tired of the creepers and stalkers and decided against that. Then my weight just yo-yoed that much more between the stuff that followed.

Now here I find myself, not sure what I weigh, but my jeans are a size 22 and honestly the main reason I want to loose the weight is I'm tired of going to the store to find clothes and there aren't any. The clothes barely stop at a size 18. I'm like looking at a size 11 one day and I'm like that's what I was in my teenhood and yet I wasn't this skinny! But also they've been messing with the sizes to the point that they got you thinking you're either bigger/smaller than what you really are. I really really want to, I would like to go to the mall or store and buy clothes that fit and I don't have to worry about it. Plus it would be cheaper!! Like $50 for jeans and the skinny girl is paying a mere $5.....that's not right!

So since I've got not a whole lot to do, I thought I would also work on losing weight, I'll be good once I found out wtf a Burpee is.....Babies do it all the time and their shapes are magnificent lol! I think the end of March will be work out week! Not literally but figuratively. I found some really awesome workout that could help out any guy or gal out there wanting to lose a few pounds (if not a whole 100 lol).

Which means starting Monday, March 25th you'll see different work out sheets and by all means definitely click the images so you can see what else the site I found them at has to offer!

Hey, don't worry if you're not a beach hottie by the end of summer. Next summer is coming and just think you'll be a hottie body snow bunny for the winter. You'll have a head start and everybody else will be envious right?? But don't go all ham on the exercising, not only do you loose some fat and water weight but you'll gain muscle weight so remember that.

Anyway kids, mark your calenders and keep on a look out for Work Out Week :D


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