Thursday, December 27, 2012

Ombré nails


So, whilst I was looking for ideas for nail designs yesterday, I happen upon this lovely tutorial by Aubrey Hannah. I always interested in Ombré nails but when I tried, it didn't work with the make up sponge. Not only did the sponge drink the polish up, it did it several times and I gave up due to frustration. No matter how many tutorials I looked at they all said the same thing!!

Grab your make up sponge, dip or paint on your polish and dab away! See?? It's so easy!

Yea right!!


I came across her tutorial and actually took time to look it over. I was amazed that she gave a solution to prevent the sponge from sucking your polish dry!! And even took it a step further to give good detailed information and tell you how it suppose to be done, opposed to these half-assed tutorials that swarm the net like a pack of wild African bees.

So if you're interested in the secret of keeping the polish from disappearing and learning a few new tutorials, click the image above. And if that doesn't work then by all means Click Here!


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