Saturday, November 10, 2012

My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic Season 3! pt.3


Well for my lovely wonderful Bronies out there who simply can't possibly wait for the 7pm Re-Premiere of My Little Pony Magic is Friendship. Well do I have a treat for you!!

While I happened to do a random search on YouTube. I found exactly what you've all been waiting for.......

Wait for it....


I found the video for Season 3 parts 1 and 2!! If you're interested in seeing the Premiere a little bit early click the image below. If the video doesn't play or you want to wait and see what all the fuss about GAK can see it at 7pm—EITHER WAY, watch whichever or both as you see fit!

If the image link didn't work click here!

You're welcome ^_^.

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