Friday, August 31, 2012

Making Cakes

There was a little girl and her mother walking through the park one day and they saw two teenagers having sex on a bench. The little girl says "Mommy what are they doing?" The mother hesitates then quickly replies "Ummm..... they are making cakes."
The next day they are at a zoo and the little girl sees two monkeys having sex. Again she asks her mother "what are they are doing," and her mother replies with the same response, "making cakes." The next day the girl says to her mother "Mommy, you and Daddy were making cakes in the living room last night, eh?" Shocked, the Mother says, "How do you know?"

wait for it.............

wait for it.............

Are you prepared for this???????

here it goes............

She says, "Because I licked the icing off the sofa."

Friends: Fake vs. Real


5 Rules To Remember In Life


Poor Daddy



So Grow up and accept it like the rest of the grown ups in the world does.

The Best Way To Live A Happy Life


Thursday, August 30, 2012



If you have an iPhone, iPod or iPad you know exactly what I'm talking about. If not, TinyPost is similar to Pinterest (btw I'm now on Pinterest go to the Keep In Touch page to follow me :D). You post pictures of course, but you can add a few words of your choice to the picture. You share it with the other TinyPosters and the world, including Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr. So that's the gist of it lol.

As most of you know I'm still getting my technologies together so I can start posting about the 31 Day Nail Challenge. Well I've been posting pictures on Facebook but in one sense TinyPost helps me post to Tumblr and Twitter which makes my life a bit easier :D lol.

Well last night while I was in the process of getting a good dinner. I noticed I had two notifications from TinyPost. So I went to check and I appreciate the different likes I get from time to time :). So tell me why this littler girl has this funky horrible attitude, says on one of the nail pictures:

Stop posting nail stuff it's boring to look at no offense we get it you post nail stuff ew

So I told her that if she doesn't like it, don't look at it simple as that. The world doesn't revolve around you.

Then she commented on another picture and said:

How bout ugly

And how about I don't care what you think. So thinking this is an adult. I went to check out her profile. Not only did she post things twice. But took pictures from other people and posted exactly what the way they had it. Then posted pictures of herself with her mountain high stuff animal cove behind her saying how "gangster" she looks. I'm like really?? I'm not even fin to get in an argument with a little ass kid.

The funny fact is that she really tried to hurt my feelings.....WOW!!

OH I'm so hurt!!

So Hurt that the fact your broken condom ass existence is amongst us classy folks—she's like a fart in a room full of roses lol.

Kids have gotten ridiculous nowadays.



The Fear Of My Absence


Life's Rules




The Real Little Mermaid


The Two Hot Girls Scam


Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Self Respect




It's The LAVA!!


English Much??


Feeling Like 3rd Place...


The Newest Barbie

Girls you don't wat to grow up like her ow do you??? lol

Men Wants vs. Women Wants


Now this doesn't neccessary define every man and woman, but I've noticed mostly in America, I'll put it that way so I won't have a racial fire storm on my poor little website; this is how it goes.

But in some sense it's the truth. I also know that for me I don't want the rapper or music mogul, they don't make a lot of money lol. I rather have a Pro-Baller instead. I refuse to end up with the loser who thinks SWAG feeds the needy and is the most awesomest thing next to candy. I know I don't have a house full of kids. 

So before you get offended by this, Think about if this truly applies to you or not. If it does. You need to correct your situation as soon as possible ok!! 

Like I always say these things are strictly my opinion you can take it or leave it. That's up to you, but also keep in mind I really don't give a damn either lol.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Nail Shop

So it's been ages since I was last at my favorite nail salon in our neighborhood. Coming in here not only was the smell of acrylics, polish and such galore a good memory refresher. Just being in the atmosphere again was so nostalgic all I could was smile. However I was worried about coming down here on a Monday, because I recall awhile back they would be jammed pack with more women than a man with a harem!

But I have a nail shop emergency that only a professional can handle, fix, correct and make look SOOO MUCH BETTER!!

Well in the midst of my 31 Day Challenge. The horrible acetone ate my Thumb Nail up!! Not a good look. Not to mention my pinky nail on the right hand had endured so much buffing and nail filing it had a Extremely Severe Weak spot! Oh my! What's a girl to do?? Well I tried to fix it myself, last night, in the dark. Had to do it outside since my mom doesn't like the acetone smell. Plus yesterday wasn't as nice as I wanted it to be. She spilled something on me and I had to wash up and wash clothes—old people are like little kids if not worse! So it took forever to get whatever the grossness was off. Then she decided she wanted something to eat. After a serious adventure doing that. She says she wants the food brought to her and thought I knew she wanted it that way. How the heck am I suppose to know if you don't tell me. So pressed for time I tried to correct my two problems. Only to fuck it up even more and cut my thumb with the nail file. It hurt like hell last night, now it's just sore and uncomfortable at times. So I was able to get one mistake off but as for the other I was concerned since I did cut my finger I didn't want to dip it in the acetone and get it infected. So I decided to go on down to the nail shop.

While I started writing this my turn came. The guy tried to get it off and to no avail failed and said to me:

I'll just file it down and put on a new tip ok then when it grows out it'll get fixed.

So he basically did what I did last night XD!! Hmm sometimes gut feelings are the best to go with lol. But in the end I chose a black polish design something that looked like something I would do so it wouldn't been too extravagant. Thankfully the rest of the Nail Challenge days are all full nail coverage XD LMFAO!

Miss Me??


Ignorant Conversation


Plan Alphabet!


Math Problems


The Key To Happiness


Sunday, August 26, 2012

Faithfully Cheating?


What Every Girl Needs


Party Like A True Rock Star


The Thing All Women Want More Of


My uncle said that you sometimes find yourself where you have to put your hands around someone's neck. Don't choke them though, just squeeze enough to scare the fuck and shit out of them lol. Unc's pretty hood.

Saturday, August 25, 2012


So whilst I was browsing Facebook which seems to be hella active midday—in a sleepy state because I just woke up lol. I came across a friend's status saying how when your friends need you there, you're not really sure of how to take the situation. You sympathize but you're just unemotional to know how to really handle the situation. Which is true. So a guy comments and says all women as basically emotionally unbalanced.

Whoa, Whoa, Whoa—No No No!

He said women are happy one day, pissed the next, hate you and mad, and want to held and comforted. Well wait a minute you just described a fucked up crazy bitch. Those are called mood swings with an extra dose of attitude.

Like what is wrong?? Do only American Men do this?? Like in all seriousness. This is exactly what I said. They see one or two women act a certain way and then throws the whole group of women in the category. It doesn't hold true. Not every woman is like that or aims to act as such. Just because you know two chicks who give oral sex to you, doesn't mean I do. Or you know three women who gives you all their earnings doesn't mean I do. But they funny thing is they get pissed and mad when you group them all together. I'm all for that one retard fucking it up for everybody. However, it doesn't hold true and you need to be more open minded than that. Now if that's all based on chemistry and attraction—then that's a different story for another post someday.

I do it because of attraction. I attract men who are lousy and don't want a damn thing. Or the available men are either already taken or lives on the other side of the country literally. So to me I group everyone up because of the attraction and the experiences I've had with each individual case. But one underlying thing that proves right. Men are very hypocritical. They claim they're steak and yet does something completely different. What the fuck is wrong with you?? Don't tell me you want grape soda and after a big ass voyage you've changed your mind to Orange Soda. Dude you knew then you wanted orange soda don't play me dammit!



Certain things in our lives we feel emotional for. Whether its happy or sad occasion or just to empathize with someone else. Or show concern and care. It just depends on the person as an individual as to how they'll feel. Like a good example. I don't know how people who are in lousy relationships who have kids could be tortured, abused and mistreated all for the love of someone who doesn't love you or the kids. In my case I would have to let go. Yes it's hard and it would hurt. But I'll be damned if I'm gonna be victimized and abused. Reason stated or not. It's not right. I would my kids in a minute and pay alimony. To me there's not that much love in the world. It sounds harsh and wrong. But to me also I wouldn't end up in a relationship like that. Where I'm considered nothing but a babysitter to you. You're suppose to love and cherish me and our children. Yet you treat me like I'm nothing more than a maid or servant. Oh yes that's real romantic.

I guess in my case. I'm just emotionally blunt. There is a reason for that. When I did care and showed I care. It was taken for granted. When I tried to show a little bit of love and say how much love I have for whoever. It was received as hey you're cool in book and dismissed immediately after. So I grew tired of putting my best emotions out there and giving people the best of me to show them I do really care. All to be taken for granted by ungrateful people who didn't care less then a damn. Yes in a situation like that, in a repetitive state, it can turn one's heart in to cold hard stone. Never to be warmed again. But I see it as an advantage. I'm now aware not to let my emotions make decisions for me. I hate that I have to wonder if this person will hurt me or if that person will be absolutely horrid to me. I really do hate that. But in my case its for the better it keeps me safe and unharmed any further emotionally.

Reminds me of something my mother said awhile ago. She was heavily weighing on me that I need to get married. You're gonna get married one day right?? Is all I would hear. Constantly over and over and over again. Till one day I grew tired of hearing that. I didn't want to get married. I wanted to and it never happened. I'm not going to bank on a 20 year relationship or be and act desperate an receive a man who's the worse or even may not want kids. To me thats too much work. So I asked her why she always talked about me getting married. She said she was worried about me. Worried that if she died unexpectedly that the family would take advantage of my vulnerability. That I needed someone to protect and love me. Someone who will always be there for me and take really good care of me. Even as nice as that sounded, I told her wishing or even banking on something like that is hoping to hit the lottery by tomorrow with no risks or consequences attached. Even now she still mentions it. Maybe to her it turned out alright, but that's not a guarantee for everybody. See? Not everyone is meant to be the same. Given there. Are quite a few of us who have the same tendencies and actions maybe. But never the same in any way or form. In that case, we all don't accept things in an emotional state as others would do. We may not find that love story tearful. But that doesn't mean we're emotionless or mean-spirited. It's just that particular thing, case or situation moves is in a different direction that others may find offending, disturbing or careless. But that's how things work. You have no control over emotions once they get loose.

Good Things Come To Those Who Wait


Girl vs. Girl


Positively Right


I Get A Boner When I Think Of You


The Happy Place

Damn Straight!! ;D hahaha

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Relationships Are/Aren't


Damn Gum!


Dressing Provocatively

So tonight or last night. I had to go over and help my uncle do a few tech savvy things. In midst of me working. Grandma, who has dementia, came over to me and asked me where my top was. I told her I had it on. I have on a wife beater with lace. Most people call it a tank top or something similar.

Anyway Grandma asks me again about my top. I'm like I have on, this my top. I grabbed it and showed it to her. She said:


So I told her I brought my jacket but I left it in the car. She asked me was I sure it was in the car, did I see it in the car. I told her yes, unless it walked out of the car on its own. Even while we were leaving she was pitching one about me being so BARE. Madea said she probably was even more disturbs since my boobs were hanging out too XD hahaha.

Yeah, Like Totally

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