Thursday, July 31, 2014

20% Off Olive Garden

This coupon expires August 3, 2014!!! 

So hurry up!!

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Get The Sims 2


If you're a #Simmer and LOVE the #Sims EA is giving #Sims2 Ultimate Vollection for free (includes all 18 expansion/stuff packs) 

Yes there is a catch you have until TOMORROW JULY 31st 10AM PST to get it!! 

So hurry the eff up ^_^ you won't know retro awesomeness like this or experience it like this again :3 

Friday, July 25, 2014

Torrid Coupons!!

I didn't even know I had these. 

Sorry for the short notice, hopefully some of you lucky ladies can use them. 

They expire July 27th!!

20% Off Of Body Candies!!


$3 AMC Popcorn Coupon

Hey kids!!

Got a coupon for you. If you're going to the movies this weekend you can get a large popcorn for $3. 

Use the QR code below or click this link: to redeem. 

This offer expires July 31, 2014!!

Sexy Novelty Soaps

We all have that one thing that's our favorite item no matter what it is. For me it's dildos, panties and neckties lol. For others it can be stamps, coins, antiques, ceramic items and so on and so forth. Well every so often I'm a soap enthuisiast. Why?? I don't know, soap fascinates me to a weird level. I love the cute soaps in different shapes, even Hotel soap rocks my socks. My mama use to collect them as "decorations" and she had like 4 jars filled with seashell and heart shaped soaps. I liked them but thought it was crazy to keep dusty soap in a jar too, but that's me lol.

Anyway, today while I was browsing my newsfeed, a friend of mine posted this video of this woman using this soap to wash her hands, here it is:

AWESOME STUFF RIGHT?!! Well you know me. I want to know where I can get one and how and where and all that other goodness. So I started my research.

I found a seller on Etsy who makes them and will even personally customize it to your liking! She even does, vagina shaped soaps too! Check out SlickeryBlends here. The next place I found is called FUN Parties INC. they have tons of naughty goods including penis and vagina shaped soaps, candles and even a male blow up dolls. Definitely check them out.

However even though these were awesome choices, what if you wanted the soap to look like the one in the video?? What if I want a lavender cock??? Well they have soap clone a willy do-it-yourself kits! How awesome is that?? This kit is sold by A.O. Adult Store is really cool, gives you the soap and everything you need to have an eye catching novelty soap. The best part is that you can mold any cock....imagine all the possibilities! Hell there's even an how-to video too!! Go check it out. There's also a seller on eBay who sells them in colors!! Dammit if I don't want (more like NEED) the blue one!! You can check those ones out here.

The best part is that I want to have these in my house in the bathroom with a little sign that says, wash your hands please, cocks and pussy provided for you lol.

But then I found something even better, the boob soap dispenser. Whoever comes up with these things are pure genius!! I definitely want to grab two tits (that aren't mine) while taking a shower! It's like adult bath time fun!! Amazon sells the awesome shower tits, for those of you interested. The best part they even had a shower penis soap dispenser too!! Unfortunately the store that originally sold, doesn't sell it anymore and I had go on another search until I found it and I did! How cool is this thing??  My shower would be the most fun place ever to be created on Earth--or at least I think it would lol.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

The Great Wall Of Vagina

So I came across this awesome phenomenon a few weeks ago on Facebook and knew this would be something I talked about with you all.

Honestly, I want to see the great wall of vagina because it's absolutely awesome to see all the different types of pussies (catch that pun? lol). Go watch the video below:

Now unlike the last post dedicated to the vagina which was purely done for entertainment. I actually fell in love with this particular one only because it shows over 400 types of vaginas. Why does that excite me you ask?? I'll tell you. It's exciting because as a woman they show this one perfect pussy and tell you that basically if your shit doesn't look like this pussy you're doomed and how dare you for having an ugly pussy. It's already hard enough having a dude look at it and tell you how ugly it is, let alone having society tell you how a pussy should look.

Like fuck out of here! You can't change the way your body looks, you get what you're given. You can fine tune it (unless you got the money to do upgrade it to premium membership status) but that's about it. But no girl should have to wonder if she has a "good looking" pussy or not. They're all beautiful dammit and if someone says otherwise they've probably never seen their shit before or took time out to check it out. Hell ladies go grab a mirror now and check out your cooter. I'll wait.

Done?? Great!! Here's some food for thought, your vagina is awesome, by far the awesomenest thing I have yet to see and who gives a damn?? We are women, our vaginas are not suppose to look like this photoshopped 9 year old crotch. It goes through a lot of shit, including aging and maturing so yeah there's a low chance that there are doppelganger vaginas out here and if there are please show them to me. But this guy, Jamie McCartney shows you all the different REAL vaginas and lets you know that they're all good enough and so frigging awesome to the point we can hang this beautiful body part on the walls. I totally agree with him. We already grow into puberty awkwardly and harshly and can't decipher what's beautiful between the media and the society rulings on how we should be this perfect utopia of beings. It's not possible, and no one should be made to feel bad about their body image in any way or form.

Your body is a beautiful thing and always will be as long as you take good care of it. No you don't need to look like a super model or movie starlet to be beautiful. If you feel it in your heart an d you're happy with who you are as an individual then there's nothing to worry about. If someone judges base on how "imperfect" you pussy or even the cock looks, tell them to go kick rocks because it's like get the fuck over yourself shithead. No one is paying thousands to have plastic surgery done to get a better looking crotch. That's asinine.

So Ladies, love what's in between your legs. It's the most beautiful thing ever. Even if you think it looks very unattractive....Bunny's here to tell you it's the bees-knees! Guys, there isn't a perfect pussy, if you can't get with it, then you need to examine the nonsense in between your legs ok?! Love the pussy, just don't treat it like a sex toy, treat it like a work of art that can never be replaced or replicated.

Monday, July 21, 2014

$25 AirBnB Credit

Hi Kids!!

So this is for my wonderful people who are travelers and for the ones who are already signed up with AirBnB. Anybody can use this and if you aren't already registered, just sign up it doesn't cost anything and it might be of some help for you later on—you never know!

Anyway if you've never heard of AirBnB it's basically a website that has listings that people put up of rooms or even sofas they have for rent it's like a bed and breakfast but not as expensive or competitive like hotels and motels. Plus you might be able to find a place closer to where you want to be than where the hotel is located.

Now if you'd like to get $25 credit for your next stay or hold on to it when you need to (because this doesn't expire) I'll personally give you my link and you can claim your credit. I don't plan on traveling and this is more for your benefit than is mine. So I hope it helps either way :) and definitely share it with your friends or college kids who need a place to crash before school opens up or maybe a cross country traveler who needs a break until they find a new gig. Sharing is caring!

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Friday, July 18, 2014

Olive Garden $5 Off Coupon

So Olive Garden just got into Online ordering and to kick it off to a good start they're sharing a $5 off any order $30 or more!!

This offer expires 7/30/2014!!

So go get something good tonight 

Relationships Are For The Birdz


Within the last week I've had two guys tell me I need to be in a relationship. 

Honestly any other time I would dismiss it because it's just talk, conversation you know?? But this time I got pissed. Because it was more of an insult and I didn't realize it until now. I'm not single by my choosing. I'm single by choice but not my choice. 

I've had plenty of guys approach me but majority of them want to fuck while the rest just want a temporary fix until they get their home life together with their woman or find a new woman who's suitable. I'm basically a substitute. I'm good enough for small talk and cheap terrible sex but I'm not good enough to be in a relationship with. Then why the fuck talk to me at all when you've already predetermined I'm not good enough from the get go. That really grinds my gears. 

At the current point in my life, I'm tired. I'm honestly fed up. It's not about giving up because I gave up years ago. But I kept trying because I thought that one day I'd run into a guy who would be bat-shit crazy over me. But that never happened. I just keep getting led on and played and it's to the point in emotionless to it. Men disgust me and creep me the fuck out. I'm over it. But what I hate the most is the fact that out society demands you be in a relationship. You're not sane, or weird or queer or an adult until you're in a relationship. But how the fuck you going to tell me I need to be in a relationship when you're raising men to think they don't need women and women are only good for sexual purposes only?? So in other words it's my fault I'm single because no guy has had the decency to ask me to be his girlfriend. Oh yes that makes perfect sense. 

I'm so emotionally fucked up that I would have to force myself to fake like I like that person. Because otherwise I don't see a need in having a dude in my life. If I have to do everything by myself ANYWAY why do I need someone in the background yapping their mouth or telling me what I need or what I'm suppose to do?? The only thing a relationship can do for me right now is keep me financially stable. It'll prevent me from being homeless and keep my utilities on and make sure that my taxes are paid because I'm hoping he has a job. That's the only thing. Since that's hard to come by and damn near impossible here where I live. I'm pretty much stuck on my single train doing shit my damn self. 

What's sad I reconsidered my option of staying single. But when dude stomped on my feelings and told me because I had previous sexual partners and I would fuck up his relationship with daughter. I was too through. Don't tell me you like me and want to date me and then say some outlandish shit like that. Women aren't the worst. Men give mixed signals and expect you to figure that shit out like its a 1+1 problem. Dude you just said you like cake, will eat all kinds of cake but I bring you cake and you tell me no you like pie—what type of bipolar shit is that?! 

If your single and never dated. Don't. It's better if you don't. With the way people think nowadays you don't know if someone's a friend, a lover or just using you until they find something better. Just spare yourselves the heartache and learn to cope on your own. You can never doubt or wonder how you feel about yourself. Fuck relationships, stay single. 

DollarOff vs. ShipOff

Spencer's is have a choice sale for this wicked weekend!! 

But you can only choose one!! 

Which will you choose???

Candied Nose Rings

Go to Body Candy right now and get 15% off your order!! 

They have a new collection of nose rings too!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

No, No Not At All—

I wake up every morning with the hope that today will be my breakthrough. 

Then I go to bed every night disappointed and a step back from where I started. 

Even in between with my faith and hope on a unstable tree limb; getting closer to my goal of contented happiness is more of a fantasy than a reality. 

Don't say I'm negative or frustrated and hope for the best when my world is falling apart underneath me and nothing I do, say or use can hold it together. 

I wake up every morning with a splitting headache; go to bed at night with pains in my chest. 

I'm crying out for help, and I'm being told:

Give it your best
Just endure this test
Don't settle for less
Or just simply told, ..... Give it a rest. 

How am I to focus on the future where the writings on the wall telling me it's unpleasant. 

My only choices are to trip or to fall—either way my body's going to end up on the concrete, sprawled & motionless

In the end, it wasn't really worth it now was it?

No, no not at all—

Thursday, July 10, 2014

The Corner Of Lilith Rosetta


Lily: *imma sneak in the closet, she can't see me #stealthmode* 

Bunny: Lilith! 

Lily: *how she see me? I'mma distract her...* mew *#stealthmode yo!* 

Bunny: LILITH! NO!

Lily: *dammit...* MEW!

Bunny: I said NO! 

Lily: *bitch got me fucked up, I'm bout dat life, wit her human ass* 

Bunny: I SAID NO! T_T 

Lily: NOOOO-uh! *im leavin anyway, fuck yo bedroom rules* 

Bunny: BIT—I don't like you Lily (  >~<)

Lily: *kiss my furry ass* T_T 

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Let's Talk About Death


Guy: Hi I'm calling from homewood Cemetary. Can I speak to Ramsey?

Bunny: Depends on which one you're looking for

Guy: Amelia (suppose to be Armella)

Bunny: Armella's dead. 

Guy: Oh! Mr. Ramsey available?

Bunny: No, he's dead also. 

Guy: oh.... Um well we try to prevent this and uh yeah our system isn't updated regularly and so, yeah. Um are you by chance interested in having a space with us??

Bunny: No. 

Guy: oh, well ok I'll update the list and take your number off our list. 

Bunny: Ok dude. 

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Looking For Tony & Antoinette

Ok so I'm watching Iron Man for the first time and the most breathtaking moment just happen. 

If you haven't seen it I'm sorry. 

But anyway. Obadiah is trying to rebuild the iron man suit and one of the scientist tells him it's impossible. And here's what's happen quote for quote:

Obadiah Stane: [shouting] Tony Stark was able to build this in a cave! With a box of scraps!
William Ginter Riva: Well, I'm sorry. I'm not Tony Stark.

It blew me away!! Why?? Because it reminds me of all the employers and people that just demand us to do shit that only one person can do or already has done and it's not meant to be replicated. 

Like so many of my prospective employers who are expecting me to be Antoinette Stark of the world (and I'm sorry Antoinette if you're real, I just sort of pulled that out of my ass. I hope you forgive me and now consider yourself famous :D). But I'm not Antoinette, in fact I'm LeSans and if you can't accept that them you need to go blow jelly beans out of your ass because that's beyond unfair, you're just being inconsiderate as hell.  

Friday, July 4, 2014

Patriotic Nail Art

I wanted to post this on Memorial Day because a design I did last year for Memorial's you all never got the chance to see. But since I ran into a few snafus, I thought about forgoing it but I changed my mind knowing that 4th of July and Labor Day is coming up soon.

BOMB Pop Nail Art

I don't know if you love frozen treats and sweets like I do but as a kid I always loved the Bomb Pops. It's this patriotic colored popsicle that has flavors of cherry, lemon and blue raspberry. Unfortunately the lemon was replaced with lime and that kind of ruins it.

Anyway I used Essie's No Place Like Chrome and Sally Hansen's sugar coated textured nail polishes Sugar Fix (white), Cherry Drop (red), Razzle-berry (blue) [you can see more of those here]. And Seche Vite as a top coat for the chrome.


Now honestly I can't remember what nail polished I used for this. But I'm sure it was either Essie, China Glaze or Sally Hansen unless I found an awesome color by Wet n Wild, Pure Ice or Sinful Colors. But I think any color blue, red or white will do with design. I used nail art stripers to make the firework. Simple and easy and still just as festive.

Star Bangled Flags

Now I know I used Essie's No Place Like Chrome, Blanc, Aruba Blue and Jag-U-Are (red) for this one. To make the stars on the flags I used a nail art striper and just dotted. I actually enjoyed doing this one a lot. I was sort of disappointed in myself for not posting it two years ago lol. But we finally did. To do the flag stripes I actually painted my nails white and then used striping tape and then painted the red over the white and let it dry before removing the tape. Then I believed I used tape to make the squared blue, as for the semi-circle or half moon blue I used french tip guide tape. Now for the pointer and ring fingers I used french guiding tape for that called teardrop. I got that idea actually from a nail art I had seen that was like an opening zipper. I painted the silver chrome on first and then painted either the red or blue on.

Well I hope you enjoyed these nail arts and I also hope you guys and dolls have a great, safe and fun Fourth of July!!

Thursday, July 3, 2014


I dunno if it's the curve of her back
That takes me aback?
Or could it be the love that I lack?
Her eyes are focused sharp like a tack. 
Her lips whisper, "As a matter of fact..."
Her voice sounding like the purr of a cat. 
What was said I can't remember exactly

Tokyo Otaku Mode Coupon

Got a $5 coupon for my fellow Otakus!!

Go check out the store at T.O.M. And use this Coupon Code: otaqcooljp

This coupon expires July 10th!! 
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