Friday, July 25, 2014

Sexy Novelty Soaps

We all have that one thing that's our favorite item no matter what it is. For me it's dildos, panties and neckties lol. For others it can be stamps, coins, antiques, ceramic items and so on and so forth. Well every so often I'm a soap enthuisiast. Why?? I don't know, soap fascinates me to a weird level. I love the cute soaps in different shapes, even Hotel soap rocks my socks. My mama use to collect them as "decorations" and she had like 4 jars filled with seashell and heart shaped soaps. I liked them but thought it was crazy to keep dusty soap in a jar too, but that's me lol.

Anyway, today while I was browsing my newsfeed, a friend of mine posted this video of this woman using this soap to wash her hands, here it is:

AWESOME STUFF RIGHT?!! Well you know me. I want to know where I can get one and how and where and all that other goodness. So I started my research.

I found a seller on Etsy who makes them and will even personally customize it to your liking! She even does, vagina shaped soaps too! Check out SlickeryBlends here. The next place I found is called FUN Parties INC. they have tons of naughty goods including penis and vagina shaped soaps, candles and even a male blow up dolls. Definitely check them out.

However even though these were awesome choices, what if you wanted the soap to look like the one in the video?? What if I want a lavender cock??? Well they have soap clone a willy do-it-yourself kits! How awesome is that?? This kit is sold by A.O. Adult Store is really cool, gives you the soap and everything you need to have an eye catching novelty soap. The best part is that you can mold any cock....imagine all the possibilities! Hell there's even an how-to video too!! Go check it out. There's also a seller on eBay who sells them in colors!! Dammit if I don't want (more like NEED) the blue one!! You can check those ones out here.

The best part is that I want to have these in my house in the bathroom with a little sign that says, wash your hands please, cocks and pussy provided for you lol.

But then I found something even better, the boob soap dispenser. Whoever comes up with these things are pure genius!! I definitely want to grab two tits (that aren't mine) while taking a shower! It's like adult bath time fun!! Amazon sells the awesome shower tits, for those of you interested. The best part they even had a shower penis soap dispenser too!! Unfortunately the store that originally sold, doesn't sell it anymore and I had go on another search until I found it and I did! How cool is this thing??  My shower would be the most fun place ever to be created on Earth--or at least I think it would lol.


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