Monday, December 27, 2010

Mamoru-San's Smile

No matter how much I avoid him
I always end up bumping into him
Even in the Frost-Bitten Winter
He gives me that dazzling smile
I just can't seem to get over
This feeling I've had for awhile
It's so hard & He makes it hard
But even in the Frost-Bitten Winter
When I see him; as he retorts
Makes my Heart


As it takes a sigh
I can't help but to Smile...

In a sad sorrowful, depressed kinda way

That makes me despise him soo much

Until that next day I'm excited to see
The one Destined to be with me

「Mamo-Chan, how you do me this way?」

- Posted by Bunny〔using BlogPress for iPhone (^з^)-☆〕

Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Christmas Effect O_o??


So I had this this twisted lil thought last week about doing something for you guys but then the more I thought about I was like:

"So what exactly was my point again???"

& low and behold I got all depressed and confused as if I was walking about a forest naked while faeries of my favorite color followed me graciously like I was QUEEN!! Also I thought that I could get in 200 post before the new year and that seems haplessly impossible BUT THERE'S ALWAYS NEXT YEAR RIGHT?!?!?!?!? =D

Anyway so I thought about doing this 11 day thing until New Years but there wasn't enuff exciting STUFF you know for me to do for you guys and talk about you know so I said screw it and decided to find something else to do lol. & YAAAYYY found about it last night or was it this morning?? lol whatevs YOU GUYS ARE IN FOR A REAL TREAT!!!


KIDS?!?!?!?! How was you guys and dollz CHRISTMAS?!?! Mine was the same as last year. I'm too old for presents, candies, sugah plums & the Fat Man Santa; but then again I'm too old to give presents and I just happen to be TAGGED on presents' to/from tag lol. But we put up a tree tho!! it's been a while so I didn't put it up til like the night before XXDDDD I KNO very hypocritical of me but so what made my mamma smile hehehe ^.^. So uh, YEAH ok so we spent Christmas evening with my AWESOME GENIUS uncle and his wonder sweet cutie wife my fav auntie it was nice lol just got bored and did the same thing I did this Turkey Day

What's that you ask??? 6_6


Fell asleep on the table again ~_~ don't judge me KAY!!

Anyway it was nice and I was happy ^.^ so that was good thing.

OH!! Anyway here's the awesomeness part of this post =D. Well I'm working on a new picture and i think this will be my best one YET!!! And I'm sooo happy and excited regardless of what anyone has to say this makes me EXTREMELY happy!! I had a vision about her
like last week and I guess I been working on her ever since ;D and I can't wait to finish but I PROMISE that I'mma take my time and make this at least close to PERFECT lmfao!!

Sunday, December 19, 2010


So I happe to stumble upon this anime series known as "Clannad" I'll be honest and say that at first it was very borin and not that interesting but when it started to pick up it became unusally interesting and I can't help but to continue tto watch to see what'll happen next.

However for awhile this whole thing (below) it's call The Happy Dango Family. Now up unto this point I never understood what was the purpose of this song and little animation had anything to do with the whole story (since the whole damn thing is very much confusing at first and you gotta research stuff to understand what the hell is going on!!!!) anyway now that I've watched it I've understood why they have this at the end of the story because it has a lot to do with the story and how MUCH of an importance a family (or a family consisted of friends ^.^) and I just thought this was really cute to the point that I definitely had to take the time to find this on the YOUTUBE and post it on here for you guys ^.^ because as far as I'm concerned you guys are my Happy Dango Family and I love you all for always coming back here and checking things out and being so FAITHFUL and dedicated to me ^.^ it makes me happy and lets me know that I've gotta keep this going coz you GUYS INSPIRE ME =D yea you do (especially since I know that "Hollywood Divorce" is your favorite thus far ;D yes I know these things hehehe)

But anyway I just wanted to say how much I love and appreciate you guys and I hope you'll stick it out with me until I guess the very end but if that's the case and push comes to shove I'll adopt a kid and have her and my grandkids continuing this legacy of COOL AWESOMENESS LOL!!!

Well I'm done and I'm going to finish this I guess, OH ANOTHER THING!!! Fruits Basket I'mma have to post something about that to for you guys between today or this week OK?! ^.^




Friday, December 17, 2010

ItzMzBunny has sent you a video!



ItzMzBunny has sent you a video from

Title: Sailor Moon S 96 English: Lita Borrows Trouble

Publisher: SailorMoonDicFandubs

From SMC

Click here to watch your video!

Here's a personal message from ItzMzBunny:

NOW!!! If you never seen Sailor Moon before I HIGHLY suggest that you watch this episode if none at all!! Why is this episode so gash dark awesome you ask??? Well how many 90 cartoons rated G or Y7 whips out tits and ass like it's something of 3008?? ^.^ now that I got ur ATTENTION!! 15:45 check it out ;)


The Veoh Team


Note: Please do not reply to this message. This e-mail was sent from a notification-only address that will not accept incoming e-mail.

Copyright 2009 Veoh Networks, Inc.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Flowers in the Attic

Flowers in the Attic
Very good movie ^.^


Love this movie ^.^

Sailor Moon

Sailor Moon
OMG!! I'm sucha obsessed dork over this show but I don't care!! It was such a hilarious, funny, interesting, THE BEST LOVE STORY EVER & it makes me reminisce my childhood and how much teenage life I can relate to lol

Purple Panties

Purple Panties
Very good book and worth the read especially for those that are curious or interested in the "What Ifs"

Hello Kitty's Furry Tale Theater

Hello Kittys Furry Tale Theater
Absolutely adorable ^.^ a definite watch for the kiddies

10 to Midnight

10 to Midnight
Awesome thriller and very suspenseful


They have the best coffee & tea & specialities!! Affordable & definitely worth your bucks!! ^.^ check out the Toffee Mocha & Eggnog latte!!!

Apple iTunes $50 Gift Card - Sponsored Post

Apple iTunes $50 Gift Card - Sponsored Post
Get the iTunes gift card now... perfect holiday gift!!!! Trust me!! 2 albums & a movie (or a bundle of music vids ;D)

Sunday, December 12, 2010

12th Day of Christmas My True Love Bot To Me ^.^

OMG!!!! I can't be it's all OVA!!! feels like the end of the WORLD hehehe!!! Well I think besides the few difficulties we had along the way we did pretty damn good HUH?!?!?!

Welp today I slept in but I tried reliving my childhood that I soooo desperately (in a good way) miss soooo much ^.^. When I was a kid I was soooo in love with Sailor Moon. I don't know how it started or why it started but I fell in love with the story. I eventually read the comic books (which is sooooo much better than the anime) but I will say this that the anime in japanese is better than the english version because the cut a lot of the story out and censored what seems like NOTHING compared to the cuss words and bitches on TV nowadays lmao!!

But yep I decided to start watch it all over again and well too because I never finished the last season of the story in the first place. So I'm on the second season I got about 10 more episodes before I'm done with the second season and then it'll be time for the 3rd season =D. What I love the most about was the beautiful artwork done by Naoko Takeuchi she had vision and such a beautiful story that it just blossomed and for me it made my day ^.^

ANYWAY what I'm tryin to say is that even though you may be all GROWN UP or a TOTAL AWESOME COOL ADULT (like moi) you should always check in and see what your CHILDHOOD SELF is up to and plan a day that you can spend a day with them and do something MEMORABLE ^.^

But of course you know this isnt the end of the Christmas Cheer AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!


Rockabye Toys - Sponsored Post

Becoz the Kidz need sum ROCK in their life too rite ;D


If you're interested in purchasing an awesome rocker for your little one you can go straight to the Rockabye Toy site by clicking here otherwise check below for updated sales on Zulily!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Sailor Moon: Songs From the Hit TV Series - Sponsored Post

Because the JAPANESE music was GENIUS ^.^

T.D.O.C. | Day 11


SO KIDS!!! What's poppin what's goin on???

I WAS POOOPED TODAY!!! SO the uncle comes over and drops off sum salt coz its Winter time and theres a few snow flurries & ICEY planes out there lol. So he takes me to the store. HOWEVER!!!!! My mamma oreder sum shit and there was these 2 GINORMOUS BIG AS THE HOUSE BOXES there!!! Now after I went to the store and he dropped me off, now I SWEAR TO YAWL!!! NO LIE (and you kno i only lie to you a couple time XXDDDD YOU LUV THE WAY I LIE hehe) IT TOOOK ME A WHOLE ass 2hours to get them 2 big ol boxes from the porch to the garage which is only 18 steps away!!!! GAWD!!! By time i got in the house I DIDNT GIVE A FUCK WHAT HAPPONED coz I was tired as hell I need more tha oxygen and a cigarette to make me feel better. SMDH I go to my room hop in the bed and I WAS KO'd!!!!!! and really didnt give a gosh darn thing about it lmfao XXDDDD

WELP!! On to what I wanna talk about. I find it funny when ppl miss you. Like whether it's family, BFFs or EXes ya kno what I'm saying?? It takes a lot to me to actually say OH HEY I MISS THAT BITCH OVA THERE =D LIKE I AINT TALKEDIDID TO THEM IN 81YRS!!!! Like wth??

But still to me it's quite fascinating to me see someone just have you on their mind all the damn time and talkin that bs to you like we used ta do this, we used ta do that blah blah blah whatev! But then when you say "OH what so.....u miss me or sumtin??" THEY QUICK AS HELL TO SAY HELL NO RIGHT?!?!?!?! LIKE make up ur mind crack pot comin to me with that dumb ol bull. If you miss me TELL ME damn why keep secrets?? lol C'mon on now get it together. But what's the hilarious thing about this, about IT. It's always that person who cut shit off in the first place who realizing that their missin sumtin and they feel that if the use the same ol tactics they can get your attention.......NO. KK NO. They make me wanna act like Rihanna, "6IN WALKAH, BIG SHIT TALKAH I never play the victim I rather be a STALKAH!! So baby take me IN I disobey the LAW make sure you FRISK MEH GOOD; check the Panties & the Bra" type shit lol ^.^

But I usually say there aint nuttin to talk about and I don't really wanna see ur ugly face rather much talk to you dammit

But that's how it goes right??


Friday, December 10, 2010

T.D.O.C. | Day 10

Hey kids!!

Today I wanna talk about KARMA!!!

People misunderstand the meaning and the integrity of KARMA.

   /ˈkɑrmə/ Show Spelled[kahr-muh] Show IPA
Hinduism, Buddhism . action, seen as bringing upon oneself inevitable results, good or bad, either in this life or in a reincarnation: in Hinduism one of the means of reaching Brahman. Compare bhakti ( def. 1 ) , jnana.
Theosophy . the cosmic principle according to which each person is rewarded or punished in one incarnation according to that person's deeds in the previous incarnation.
fate; destiny.
the good or bad emanations felt to be generated by someone or something.

What's truly sad is the fact people ignore Karma or just chose to ignore it. Like the definition REGARDLESS of what it is whether its good or bad, there is always going to be a consequence, reaction......Karma. They forget when they do something nasty or mean to someone else and just write it outta their mind. They wave it off like it's a petty situation or trivial conversation. However these are the same people who are facebookin and interneting WHY OH WHY IS THIS HAPPONIN TO MEH?!?!?! WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE A LIFE LIKE THIS???

I'll admit it that I had a VERY KARMATIC moment in my life. And I've learned from it and I know that no one can't judge me becoz I'm only HUMAN. I make mistakes too! I was soooooo mad at what happened during my 4yrs at Penn State. For me it was very traumatic to accept the death of the love one and continue with the daily routine. It was hard and continued to be hard! I blamed everyone and everything even a talkin piece of paper woul SET ME OFF!! Lol I'm not like that any more becoz I had to learn. Love, Accept, Understand, Come to Terms with what happened, Forgive, Never Forget, & MOVE ON. Once I did ALL OF THAT which TOOK FOREVER to me, I was able to clear my mind and say HEY I wanna be happy right?? Well if I don't fight for it then I can't blame no one but myself. I stopped feeling so guilty and evil and mean. And I learned that it's not about getting the wrong life or wrong living situation. It's about compromise and being able to say WHAT YOU WANT WITH THIS GIFT given to you. God and people will only help those who help themselves. We have trials & tribulations because He wants to know who's worth fighting for and who He knows needs that extra little push! And once you start fighting for what youo love and believe the more He can do for you.

For example when Moses talked with Rameses about freeing his people, all that happened [the plague, the grasshoppers & toads, the death of the 1st son] was all Karma. Here's another laughing at someone when they trip or fall down, you giggle, I know it I do too (OFTEN lol). But then what happens you end up tripping or falling??? ^.^

I kno what I'm talking about and it's the truth. Stop being so selfish and worrying just about you. If you want to be happy think about what it is that you want and HOW FAR ARE YOU WILLING TO GO FIGHT FOR IT???

I Believe in KARMA and the What Ifs of this solitary life. Its hard to find your plae and see where you fit in, but what I will say is that, if you be yourself and don't let people judge you the way you feel God will (and he won't). Show the world how IMPORTANTE & SPECIAL you really are!! ^.^ if you do that and let people know how you feel about them you'll have and live a happier life ^.^

Remember Karma is always Watchin U


Thursday, December 9, 2010

Twelve Days Of Christmas | Day 9

SOOO what to talk about today?? HMMMM......

Well the other I thought about my dad. And for those of you that don't know my dad died Thanksgivng Thursday, November 28, 2008. Yea it was a sucky holiday and I sttill absolutely DESPISE the bloody holiday lol. So how bout this year, I totally missed that day can't even REMEMBER WTF I was doing or what happoned that day.....its crazy stuff lmao. So today 2 years ago was the day we buried him. ITS LIKE WOOOOOWWW!!! I still miss him alot but I think that this year is so much better and it shows that I'm able to grow and move on ya kno?? That makes me happy ^.^

Can yawl believe that we got 3 MORE DAYS?!?!?!?! I can't lol

WELP!! Not much happoned today lmao just kinda chilled and kicked it. SLEPT IN even tho I did go to bed kinda EARLAY XXDDD I'm sucha LOSER but fuck it IDC



SOOO who's done they're Christmas shopping already??? I know what I want to get my mamma but since I'm broker than the toys from The Island of Misfit Toys lol. SOOOOO IDK what I'm fin to get her to show its L-O-V-E from Mz. Bunny lol EH I could always draw her sumtin and color it for her ^.^ or make her sumtin AWESOMELY COOL *NODS* UH HUH =D

Anyway how many of you guys are waiting till Christmas Eve EVE to buy whatever left and call it a day?? lol

So I'm still job searching tho 6.< I think I may try at a few of the local hotels, see what's up with them. I don't really care what the job is at this point in time I just want a JOB. I GOT BILLS and stuff to pay for ya kno??? eeehhhhhhh maybe a couple Sextillion DOLLARS will drop in my lap lmao!!! But here's the best part it's not that I'm not able to work you kno?? It's the fact that since my credit is soooo fucked up like POOP I can't get a job. Ok let's explore that!!! HOW IDIOTIC IS IT TO FUCK UP SOMEONE'S CREDIT WHICH STOPS THEM COMPLETELY IN OBTAINING A JOB?? Like what idiot came up with that dumb ass rule?? However the debt collectors are bitchin and complaining that they wanna be PAID, LIKE if you wanna pay that off for me bitch then we'll all be happy right?? Makes no sense to me of whatsoever lol BUT OH TO THE WELL!!!! I ain't fin to let this dumb ol stupid BS ppl wanna dish out to me and fuck up my program. I'm gonna enjoy myself and still be enjoyin myself when 2011 and 20-12 HITS!! Plus I'll be takin pictures when the world turns inside out in 2012 and if not I'll be just a disappointed as I was when 2K0 no that's not it 6_6 is it 2KY?? OH OH OH NO NO 2YK =D......that dont even sound right -_- hold on a sec *elevator music plays* OK!!! and we're back took me a minute lmfaoooooooooo XXXDDDDD it was only 10 years ago!!! CRS haha (can't remember shit) lol ok it's called Y2K HELLO!! I was mad bout that tho lol but then I said fuck it and continued watchin Heavy Metal 2000 it's a good movie that and the original Heavy Metal yawl should check that out tho ^.^ ok so I'm rambling and I kno yawl don't wanna hear it lmao I'll HIT YAWL UP for Day 10 2mrw or *checks clock 6.<* SOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNN O_O if I GET BORED OR SUMTIN ^_^ *WHISPERS: COZ I KNO HOW MUCH YINZ BE MISSIN ME ;D CTFU* (^з^)-☆

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Twelve Days Of Christmas | Day 8


So lets talk about something we can't never seem to come to terms wit lol. NEW YEARS RESOLUTION!! Like OMG IDK how many resolutions I've made that were a total BUMMER!! lol or a disaster XD. Well I have a few that I've decided I'mma MAKE THEM WORK this up coming year, and plus I can't really believe that 20-11 will be here in like what?? 22 days just about right?? Anyway I'm gonna share my resolution with you guys, coz I luv yawl you all make this worth my while not to mention ***AAWWWEEEESSSOOOOOOMMMMMMEEEEEEEEEEE*** hehe ^_^.

Resolution #1

DIET!! So little did I know but I found out that I lost 14lbs!! I KNO RIGHT!!! Anyway I'm like I wanna loose like a few more pounds lol or at least at a good healthy weight and that CELEB SUPA MODEL BODY so I can show my big ol booty and ginormous tits in a awesome bikini XXXDDDDD BUT I SERIOUSLY WANNA O_O. So I've decided that when the new year hits I'mma go back on my baby food diet, now since I know what I like and will eat. People judge me and I see you doin the same thing *does fingers: I'M WATCHIN U >_>* the baby food diet aint that appealing but it's healthy and good for you.

Here's the deal. See babies can have the food we eat on a regular basis because it's not healthy and not nourishing enough for their cute lil bodies. So most of their food is basically organic non preserved or fucked up wit sodium & corn syrup and stuff. ITS THE PERFECT FOOD if you get what I mean...OK so you know how the news and doctor and QUACKS out there are always like you need all your food groups and lettuce and beans rice & meat fish blah blah blah only 2,500 calories bs. FUCK ALL THAT coz food's expensive!!! You can get a big ol jar of baby food for 50 cents!!!! CMON now like cereal is damn near $7 a box which is OUTREGEOUS!! But hell try sum you make like it lol

Resolution #2


I mean I've had my ups and downs but you know I don't regret it. I've learned and loss and it makes me a better person as well as being more mature. And it makes room to learn and gain more for the future you know?? I say you have to find your happiness and just stand your ground and don't let no one or ANY THANG get in your WAY!! It's importante and you need to hold it close to your heart you know??

Resolution #3

I'mma stop fuckin round with ppl who don't know how to treat me good ya kno?? I'm not just talking about relationships but friendships too. Coz idk wtf is up wit ppl nowadays they wanna be stingy or act like it's your fault you're not ripping you heart and head out/off for them. What was that Lady Gaga said?? Oh!!


Um, ok I'm done singin now lol so yea that's what I'm fin to do. Since I am single now, MAN I feel like a poor lil cute sexy antelope in the lion's den at the zoo!! However I'mma tigress in that antelope costume XXDDDD CTFU. But it's the truth tho like damn can I have a PAUSE moment geez I need some THINKIN TIME yaknowatumsayin??? OMG I like being a relationship don't get me wrong but if it's a bad one you need time to reflect and ask yourself, "Soo WTF just happoned?? O.o??" But IF I have to be in a relationship or I decide to be in a relation in the up coming new year, then I'll make sure that this time it'll last for a lil while LONGER ;D

Resolution #4


to keep you guys entertained and still intertwined ;D hehehe. I appreciate you guys checking my site or blog out and enjoying what I write. I write what I know and whatever pops UP lol. Its been what a year and half just about and I'm happy being able to have you guys around. YOU ENTERTAIN ME ^.^ and you make me happy knowing you love my stuff. SOOO since I am back online I'mma try to get the use ta be RUE ETC together........might change the name and a few ppl to entertain yawl IDK I'm still thing about it.

Anyway, I promise to keep showin the LOVE if yawl keep on giving it


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Twelve Days Of Christmas | Day 7

YAY WE KINDA MADE IT TO A WEEK RIGHT??? lol had some technical difficulties.

ANYWAY lemme tell yawl what happoned Monday night after all that BULLSHIT!! So i was talkin to my BFFFFFFEFFF (aka my baby cuzin who's 8yo ^.^ she's wild but sucha sweetie pie lol). So I told her I'd BRB coz I need a potty break and sumtin to drink. So I get distracted into watchin tv and then I'm like OH *grabs iphone*. So how bout the bitch (my iphone thats what I refer to o_o) UM KAY anyway, so the bitch screen is in an OFF MODE black screen I pushed all them muthafuckin buttons. Now it was able to receive calls just couldn't PICK EM UP or text back NOTHING!!! I tried 3 different plugs chargers and a MANY OUTLETS!!!So now I'm mad as hell. Theres no way something that costed $600 and the bitch don't work YAKNOWATUMSAYIN?? So how bout BOTH APPLE & AT&T are closed. I'm like WTF O_< but you bitches are selling shit 24/7 WTFTOSIT?!?!?! So I'm cussin and mad like I'll call them assholes bitch dick suckers in the MORNIN. So I'm thinkin to myself like well we can try one more option, hook it to the comp. So I and pushed the buttons and it came on which blew my muthafuckin mind coz I would think that electricity is more importante than compooter juice @_@...... Anyway here's the best part of the day. So I go out to get the mail coz I hadn't gotten it in a couple days and there's PACKAGES MAMMY out on the porch and to say the least mail scatter all over the garage floor (thank goodness it wasn't in the wet spot lol). So 2 of the packages I knew what they were and then it dawned on me what the ginormous one was for. So I'm lookin at this other box like WTH are you about?? When I get in the house I opened it and here it was my new Internet. So my other source of Internet had broken for the 2nd time and I just gave up on it. So couple nights ago I saw this commercial for Internet didn't really pay it much attention. So Sunday or Monday I see a commercial same company but it was sellin this Lil thing no bigger than a regular sized celly and it's called the hotspot. Well it's a wifi 4g Internet connection and I'm like OMF THIS IS AWESOME LIKE THAT COULD SOOOO WORK FOR ME!!! So I decided to order it was the same price as the other but seemed more useful to me than that piece of junk. So i was expecting that it wouldn't be here for a couple days but low and behold there it was in this GINORMOUS (quite ridiculous) BOX. But here's the best part, there's no wires or cables and my fuckin internet is EXCELLENTE!! How awesome is that??? =D I say pretty gosh darn snicker doodle awesome ^.^ lmao!! So no worries, ur favorite PinUp Gal is def back ONLINE *boop boop boop booop* (^з^)-☆

Monday, December 6, 2010

Twelve Days Of Christmas | Day 6

So today was very eventful. Extremely eventful to the point that it actually rocked my socks lol.

So what you guys don't know and now that I get a good thought about it, I dont know if you really know but WTH ^.^!!!! Ok so I'm bisexual if you didn't know now you know lol. and I have been almost 2 years. I had always been curious and well curiosity got the best of me, however had a jacked up relationship and at the time I forcefully decided it out of anger. However in the end I felt soooooo MUCH better you know?? Anyway(!!) I did and have talked to a few girls some a cool and.....well, I'mma get to the point.

So like early September I met this girl and we hit it off cool or whatever and had a few dates. Long story short, I'm assuming we broke up, even though I'm pretty sure we did lmao IDK YAWL IDK!! So in the midst of our "hooking UP" she introduces me to a friend of hers I'm assuming now that it was to keep me preoccupied while she did HER ya know?? However, I was aware of her man from the get go so I cant really get mad right?? Anyway so me and dude kinda hit it off not too much (he wasn't who I wanted lol). I'm not gonna get into real detail but I find out and that her and dude used to date. Yes you read that write, least you didn't have to endure the conversation xp *ew*. Ok so like after MID-October, they both stop talkin to me, why I don't know. So I ended up leaving something importante at his crib and I had to chase him for a WHOLE ASS MONTH to get my shit ya know?? So he was playin games and took his time bout gettin my shit. Not to be crude, but I aint come to yo house to have a fuck session I want my shit so I can leave, right?? Anyway so she came over we watched a movie, and she's ready to go home, I'm like can I catch a ride?? She's like NO I gotta go home.......T_< *what?? exsqueeze me??* So he can take you home. His excuse was that he had no gas in his car *but low and behold you had enuff to go get ur kid and possibly take him home right?? BS*. So had to hitch a ride home that night and I wasn't a happy camper (I'm pretty sure yinz picked up on that).

So. For the past week he's been talkin to me like crazy. So saturday (Dec 4) we're coming home from shoppin and I'm ready to put shit away and get in the bed my feet and back hurt and I'm exhausted!! So he asks me what I'm doin, and I'm like comin home from shoppin. He's like oh ok. So by time 10pm came that night I was flyin off my tylenol and KO'd. She calls me at 1:48pm and leaves this attitudal message, like ITS ME PICK UP THE FONE....U NEED TO CALL ME RIGHT BACK. Now I find out about this its 3something in the AM ok?? So crazy shit was on facebook and I'm like I never know WTF's goin on when I go to sleep or cop a nap, which is tru. How bout she pops a tude on my FB (facebook lol). I'm like well idk if your up now (4something now) or not. What was it that you wanted?? Oh I wanted to see if you wanted to hang out with US (him and her). I'm like oh ok. So she's like oh what you don't like me no more?? No never said that, its just since you dont have the time anymore you kno what's the point. So she's like well my dads in the hospital blah blah blah--- OH KAY now before we move on. I can understand that and I have sympathy ok? However if you're going out and having parties and drinking excursions and shit AND the hospital can only doo so much. watchutalkinBOUT?? Ok back to it. I'm like I understand that but still, then I'm like fuck it whatev I'm goin back to bed, which is what I did eventually. So she goes to his FB and says I'mma call you in a few moments.

SUNDAY. I get up a lil late, wasn't feel good, I wasnt. So he goes into this why don't i see you no more why dont you come aroun no mo act?? I'm like what you talkin?? So he's like I just wanna spend some time with you  just wanna see you. Why what you miss me?? Well I aint seen you in a while, you saw me last month T_T. So then he's goes into this argument and I'm like HTFU its a lil cold out to be hitch-hiking it ya know?? Well I'm come pick you up...WTF bout goin home. He's like WHEN DID I NOT TAKE YOU HOME?? O_O!!! O_o?! A COUPLE OF TIMES (coz she took me home at least 3 times ya kno and then of course the i no have gas bs nite). So he's like well there was only one time. OH!! OH!! OH!! Oh oh ok........So I ask him, is this about last nite?? He's like what happoned last nite idk what you talkin bout *lying ass and horrible at it too* I told him she called me wantin to kno if i wanted to hang wit yawl. He's like IDK nuttin bout that.....Let's review shall we ^.^

"Ok back to it. I'm like I understand that but still, then I'm like fuck it whatev I'm goin back to bed, which is what I did eventually. So she goes to his FB and says I'mma call you in a few moments."

And you don't know WTF's goin on?? Hmmm. So I'm hella agitated at this point and I let him know how I feel and he's like well I'm sorry, I apologize. *Really?? Really dude?? T_<* Well do you forgive me?? NOOOOO. So back and forth he got mad.

I go to FB coz I was copy & pastin stuff talkin to my bestest bud right?? How bout they both delete me offa facebook and I'm like OMG!! MY FEELANS IS SOOOOO HUUUURRRRRTTTTT!!! XXXXDDDDDDD CTFUU!! lol


Sooo kids!! If I wanna delete Raechel coz she's sucha slut and slept with my boyfriend and gave him rabies. Is it gonna be difficult for me to delete that skank?? And not delete Bethany in the process coz she wouldn't hang out wit US saturday NITE T_T.

I'm not stupid and that was sum OL BS as far as I was concernt. So guess what I did


So whatever. I did tell her how I felt tho lmao XD. But I'm cool wit it ya kno??? I'm not gonna let ppl fuck up my happy gay as hell button (and I mean gay in a happy joyful way lol). Coz thats petty and childish and last time I check I'll be a 24yo GROWN ASS WOMAN. May not do everything but just as long as my happiness isn't jeopardized I'm truly....Satisfied


Sunday, December 5, 2010

Twelve Days Of Christmas | Day 5

Feelings for Christmas

Why is that everyone becomes sooo OVERLY emotional during Christmas time—no scratch that during December?? Hmmm?? I mean most ppl are agitated and depressed some are happy and more are more...... Disgusted. Which is understandable. And I respect that, HOWEVER, must you pass on you ur sour bitter twisted ass mood on to someone else?? Better yet, why must there be that one person for the holidays that's a total ASSHOLE BITCH & fucks up everyones happiness mood and the food. Smh I don't understand it but I guess it must be a traditional expectation for Christmas coz I guess without them Christmas would be all holy and unexciting lol *shrugs* ion kno

(⌒-⌒; )

- Posted by Bunny〔using BlogPress for iPhone (^з^)-☆〕

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Twelve Days Of Christmas | Day 4

Today we're gonna talk about Christmas shopping lol. Coz YAWWLLLLL just don't KNOW!!!

So today my auntie took me and the mamma to walmart to do sum, basically, grocery shoppin. However the store was HELLA PACKED with all the Christmas crazies and weirdos. To the point it started makin my feet hurt I got ruined over and fondled by a many of carts and pointed objects -_-. Well anyway so we bot us a Lil Christmas tree it's one that wishes to be 2' tall some day ^.^. We're doin it up in Limw Green and Luscious Gold with white & colored lights. Lime Green baby skirt & gold Star topper. Awesome I kno I'll take a pick for yin guys after I put it up ^.^.

So were ready to check out an while we're in the check out lone my mamma almost runs this Lil boy over wit her scooter. But instead runs my foot over >_< *YEOUCH!!*. After we finished checking out we're just standin there ya kno talkin about getting something to eat when all this noise drew ERRYBODYS ATTENTION!! I look over here's these 2 black chicks FIGHTING like they on the yard (jail stuff ya kno ok whatev). Um so YEAH they fighting right so a sales associate comes over like, "TINA THEY FIGHTING OVER HERE" monotone & nonchalantly like that. Time runs over even tho her big ol stripper booty was holding her back *XXDDD CTFU*. So it's said that Shonquita jipped in front of Crayola. So Crayola or mad and bitch slapped Shonquita so thus the fight broke out. Damn shame that they fighting and it's not Black Friday or Cyber Monday lmao XD Oh well maybe next time (^з^)-♡♥

- Posted by Bunny〔using BlogPress for iPhone (^з^)-☆〕

Friday, December 3, 2010

Twelve Days Of Christmas | Day 3

So today were gonna talk about stuff ppl do during the holidays that's absolutely OBSURD to me *points* ya kno lmao


I'm all for cookies. Cookies & milk, cookies & ice cream, just cookies period. But why dip the cookie in the milk??? WHATS UP WIT THAY FASCINATION?? like do yawl enjoy all them CRUMBS in ya milk?? However u rinse the glass or cup coz u don't want the dirt & particles & shit but u put UNIDENTIFIED CRUMBS & shit in your glass of MILK and you drink it after. That's nasty like GROSS nasty haha smh!

So tell me what's yawls favorite Christmas treat??? I love having danish cookies (the ones in that awesome tin can lol), Sugar cookies of course & Ferrero Roche or Bon Bons as I like to call em. It's just not Christmas without awesome sweetz!! Lol

Christmas Tree.

So now that I'm done singing Lady Gaga's 'Christmas Tree' song lol

I'm all for it being a chore to get the tree up to impress the kids, family & friends. But must it be up before Halloween?? WHY is it still UP for 4th of July??? LMAO!! omg!! I understand that it's a HUGH HASSLE to take it down after all that hard work in putting the bloody thing UP!! lol but why not make it FUN??

How bout this?? Plan a day in January or EARLY FEBRUARY to take the tree down. Make it a fun family project!! Pick a weekend or hey do this every night for a whole week. Take everything down and put it all away. And as a consolation prize take the family or significant other out to that new hot awesome movie or plan that ultimate vaycay for the summer to the beach or Disneyland ^.^

Christmas Spirit

There's nothing that gets me into the Christmas spirit like Christmas movie and music. It blows tho that they won't play the music early ya kno?? I used to get sooooo excited to hear the 12 days of Christmas song when I was little it let me know it's time for Christmas. But since the radio stations are so stingy we need to take a moment now and THANK THE LORD & JESUS for iPods and MP3s ^.^


So tell me lol what are some of your favorite Christmas movies??? I LOVE JUST ABOUT ALL OF EM. But to name a few: A Mom For Christmas, Mickeys Twice Upon A Christmas, Pirates of the Caribbean pop up every now & then lol, um what else?? OH Christmas Vacation *Sparky lol*. Anyway if you got you a little family or a BIG GINORMOUS HUG ONE plan a movie night. And watch something worth while you kno?? Also so that it can def go in the memory scrap book ^.^


So why do ppl make such fuss about eggnog. IF UT TASTES GOOD ENJOY IT DAMMIT!! lol like I LUV IT it tastes good (never had the "ADULT" version lol) and idc if there's nutmeg missin or half an egg gone so what I still see u drinking it dammit lol

Well kids that's all for now I'll have more late KK!!


Thursday, December 2, 2010

Twelve Days Of Christmas | Day 2

So guys it's Day 2!! & I'm havin a few technical difficulties T_T and since it's #2 *lol*, Imma talk bout 2 topics taday ^.^.

So my iPhone has been messed up but workin since i brought it. But when the home button started NOT working or doing it's MFin JOB I call up Apple. They tell me well you have to make an appointment. So I'm like alright so this maybe July or August-ish. And I go so the Nerdy Black Dude says to me OH U HAVE TO COME BACK 2MRW AND PAY $80 TO "TALK" TO A TECHNICIAN.....

The fuck?? $80 for a CONVERSATION?? FUCK OUTTA HERE HELL NO NOT ON MY TIME WATCH!! T_T I said screw it I'm not doin that. So as of recently my fones not doing shit. Last night my Safari ain't workin my apps are tellin me "Can't load without a network or wifi connection." Now my bill is paid ALWAYS and always on time if not earlier. So I'm like Bunny WTF is goin on here?? My reception was like ALANTIS and it just wasn't working. Pissed me off. I'm cussing the fone out cussing Apple out, promise to WHOOP THEY ASS you know?? So I said I'll call them in the morning. I end up havin a restless night or whatnot and I watch me a movie Vampire In Brooklyn. Eddie Murphy, Allen Payne & Kadeem Hardison at they're SEXIEST FINEST!!! *whew >;)* lol any way so then I'm thinking. Don't we all get pissed when our shit or even our favorite shit breaks, stops working, or just died for no apparent reason???

I KNO I DO!! So Imma take it back real quick. So 2006 daddy brought me a laptop for school. Power cord stops workin, I had rubber bands all OVER IT!!! It was ghetto big time lol. So! 2008 I buy a new laptop and besides havin sum space issues, that laptop is a SOLDIER!! FORREAL!! But had the blue screen of death and Internet problems ya kno?? So 2009 July-ish buy another NEW laptop HP. By February 2010 the screen GOES BLACK so called them fixed it for min and it stopped workin pissed me off. So I was computerless. March my iPhone (I had since March) falls out my jacket pocket into the toilet EPICNESS OF EPIC FAILNESS!!! So end of March I took thr hard drive outta the HP & put it in thr soldier and it gave a couple problems and space was mostly it ya kno?? So April 9, 2010 buy a NEW WHITE IPHONE. I find out around my birthday (May 20) that the new iPhone's coming and you kno who's PISSED!! So by my birthday I buy a new computer and by June I had a new iPhone. But after all of that. I get pissed and frustrated an wanna cut ppl ya kno??

I think it's a mental complex when all intelligent thoughts and common sense goes out the window and we act like Cave Men & Women and start tearing shit up coz were pissed. It's understandable. And I know I'm not the only one who feels like. It's AMAZING and quite interesting that we being the smartest creatures on the planet can SPAZ OUT when shit don't work lol. But hey it happens I'm not gonna deny or try to calm it down. You do what's best even if it has to involve gasoline & matches (^_−)−☆

So on to the 2nd thing I wanna talk about. And it's about relationships to a point.

So like I'm always in and out and in an out of a relationship alllllll the damn time. But like I said I want to change that, meet someone nice and actually DATE instead of always "hookin up" yaknoumsayin?!?!

Anyway what I've yet to understand is how ppl say well one can't live without a man/woman. That may very well be TRUE; however there's a lot of ppl who HAVE YET to experience 1st let alone knowing who they need or how they need to survive. We're not VAMPIRES so why are we soo dependent upon someone who isn't a parent. Like how women say WELL I NEED A MAN IN MY LIFE. If you're planning to reproduce well I guess u would dontchakno?? But to say without that person you couldn't be you or even survive without them. I think that's crazy. REGARDLESS if u THINK therefore YOU EXIST. If you couldn't then ur either a vegetable, in a coma or DEAD.

Like for me the only real MAN I got to kno was my father he was great and absolutely awesome. He loved and cared for me and did things most men wouldn't do let alone consider. He gave a lot to know and assisted in making me the person who I am today. However I don't need a man to tell how I should feel blah blah blah.


I think it makes you look weak to be so overly dependent on someone. I can understand well s/he's there for me (or us if theres a family ya kno) or they're the main bread winner. I GET THAT DEPENDENCY, makes sense to me. But o say u cannot function as a person.....THAT BEATS THE HELL OUTTA ME 6_6 just doesn't make sense idk maybe I'm overly independent lol

Oh wellz


- Posted by Bunny〔using BlogPress for iPhone (^з^)-☆〕

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Twelve Days Of Christmas | Day 1

So imma get a Lil DEEP for a quick min Kay?? Lol

So everything EVERYTHING has a beginning, for example

Genesis 1:1
"1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth."

Time had a beginning, people and animals have a beginning. Even life had a beginning and so do months years and days. NO MATTER what it is or could be or will be it has a beginnin. Conversations, jokes, TV series, buildings, everything. But it also has an END. The go hand-N-hand. Some things you never know when it's gonna end and others have that wonderful expiration date ;D. But we have to accept this order because we can't change it and I do believe we'd be HELLA LOST without it you know?? Lol

So keep that in mind ok?? But I must say I'm happy it started snowing. I just hope that we don't have another year kof the Ice Queens Period!!

But shoppin season has begun, the weather is 2 degrees from freezing lol. And I need a new winter coat!! 1 is too too small & the other got ruined so I need a new coat maybe a hat & sum more gloves & HAT SCARVES

But I ain't diggin this cold tho yawl =\. U hott state are BLESSED!!

Anyway!! It's Christmas and for this post imma talk about shopping for ur loved ones or special sexy someone.

Now shoppin for someone else is HELLA HARD!! Not unless u got one of those simple ppl (and that's a 1 in a SEXTILLION!!) it's hard to find sumtin and they ENJOY IT ya kno??  Believe I kno my mamas kinda like that so I be lame & buy her 2 or 3 movies and sum word searches ya kno??

But imma tell you NOW just how it is!! AINT NUTTIN WRONG AIN'T NUTTIN WRONG WIT GIVIN THEM A MFin GIFT CARD. Hey go to a store like giant eagle or kmart something HEY even the store itself online or brick & mortar ( the building itself) and purchase a gift card or two. Hey they like itunes or Apple products get em a $50 gift card. Like don't be stingy like a $5 or $10 is like waving at sumbody. It's not gonna do shit. EMBRACE THEM & get em a gift card. I would!! And hey if they don't want the gift card with there Lil ungrateful ass self send them to ya kno??

Don't let all the high tech and CHRISTMAS EXTRAVAGANZA get to you be cool take ur time besides all the good sales are the week before Christmas so wait it out!! ^.^


Hey Folks!!!!

Hey yawl!!

What's poppin what's good???

I ain't talk to yawl in a minute but wit crazy ass school and crazy ppl you kno what I'm talkin bout!! So imma tell yawl what hap but instead of it bein hella long I'll keep it short & sweet but before I get into that—

Sooo Christmas time is here!!! Finally right?? Lol well I decided last night while I was out & about that imma gonna do the 12 Days of Christmas. But I'm not jottin down random thoughts it's gonna be holiday family ooo what do I buy kinda posts. And plus I thought this would be interesting ;D lol. So after I'm done wit this post imma start the MONTH OFF RIGHT and spread my Christmas cheer (like Lady GaGa ;}).

So!! A buncha shit went down yawl lost a couple more friends, gain sum who are selfish as hell who got to GO!! Had my clothes voluntarily stolen had a couple fights. Finding myself as usual, realizing a few things.

And you know, now I can honestly say that as far as friends go (& I'll get into what happen another time) the special ones are those ones you can go FOREVER w/o talkin or seein them and can still pick up where yawl left off. There's no she said an that ho said and this bitch said shit or whatever. Yawl cool!! & to me that's a BIG ASS accomplishment!! Finding a good friend is hard but you gotta go thru a few losers & assholes to get to the good stuff ^.^!! Believe me I kno!! Also get to kno somebody first before yawl claim each other as BFFs!! A lot of crazy shit happens when you get a head start in a relationship prematurely lol. But I will say this, friends are great and an awesome asset to have, but if you don't know how to kick it and have FUN on ya own....well my friend imma need you go to Borders, Barnes & Noble, AMAZON & check out sum self help books. But if u wanna save a couple bills I'll do it for free XD!! HAHA!!

RELATIONSHIPS!!! Who needs em?? I don't understand or get them no more. Like if imma be in a relationship wit somebody, IMMA WAN TO BE WIT THEM ALLLLLLL THE DAMN TIME!! like I can digg we need our "ME-TIME" gig and I respect that ya kno do u boo-boo I got it I understand. But what I don't understand is this PART TIME bullshit. Like how u goin tell me how much u miss me an care for me an blah blah yada yada ylangylang!!! But why not call me text or better yet come see me!! Ya kno I like surprises too bitch lol. But I don't like well imma see ya this weekend and I don't see u till New Years 2035, like cmon now what typa shit is that?? BUT!! if I pulled sumtin like that I'm bein mean and uncaring and insensitive and shit!! Smdh!!! But with all that said and done lol I kinda wanna get back out there on the market ya kno?? Meet somebody get to know em and make sumtin of it [that is if there's sumtin there to keep & be worth it yaknoumsayin!??]. So well see what's poppin ya kno??

Lastly!!! Laughter is the best medicine don't sit there all snot ballin cryin sobbing go get a movie or sumtin or come on here an laugh a Lil bit bitch. STOP THAT CRYIN!! lol have FUN you only live once and experience life take that trip to Hawaii or Australia (just don't drown nobody O_o). You need fun and a few jokes to function properly in this fucked up society we live in yaknoumsayin??!!!

Yea u do!! ^.^

So that's it I'm done..........

wit this lol but yea remember those things and you'll be aight <3

- Posted by Bunny〔using BlogPress for iPhone (^з^)-☆〕

12 Days Of Christmas | Collection 2010

Christmas is just about everybody's favorite Holiday. I decided in the year of 2010 to do a small project of reflecting Christmas in a more realistic, non-advertising for awesome things like toys and layaway, way. The craziness, the mishaps and everything in between without those things Christmas wouldn't be as fun and cherished as it is.

So I hope that you enjoy the 12 Days of Christmas according to me. As well as look forward for future renditions of this new Bunny Tradition.

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