Friday, December 3, 2010

Twelve Days Of Christmas | Day 3

So today were gonna talk about stuff ppl do during the holidays that's absolutely OBSURD to me *points* ya kno lmao


I'm all for cookies. Cookies & milk, cookies & ice cream, just cookies period. But why dip the cookie in the milk??? WHATS UP WIT THAY FASCINATION?? like do yawl enjoy all them CRUMBS in ya milk?? However u rinse the glass or cup coz u don't want the dirt & particles & shit but u put UNIDENTIFIED CRUMBS & shit in your glass of MILK and you drink it after. That's nasty like GROSS nasty haha smh!

So tell me what's yawls favorite Christmas treat??? I love having danish cookies (the ones in that awesome tin can lol), Sugar cookies of course & Ferrero Roche or Bon Bons as I like to call em. It's just not Christmas without awesome sweetz!! Lol

Christmas Tree.

So now that I'm done singing Lady Gaga's 'Christmas Tree' song lol

I'm all for it being a chore to get the tree up to impress the kids, family & friends. But must it be up before Halloween?? WHY is it still UP for 4th of July??? LMAO!! omg!! I understand that it's a HUGH HASSLE to take it down after all that hard work in putting the bloody thing UP!! lol but why not make it FUN??

How bout this?? Plan a day in January or EARLY FEBRUARY to take the tree down. Make it a fun family project!! Pick a weekend or hey do this every night for a whole week. Take everything down and put it all away. And as a consolation prize take the family or significant other out to that new hot awesome movie or plan that ultimate vaycay for the summer to the beach or Disneyland ^.^

Christmas Spirit

There's nothing that gets me into the Christmas spirit like Christmas movie and music. It blows tho that they won't play the music early ya kno?? I used to get sooooo excited to hear the 12 days of Christmas song when I was little it let me know it's time for Christmas. But since the radio stations are so stingy we need to take a moment now and THANK THE LORD & JESUS for iPods and MP3s ^.^


So tell me lol what are some of your favorite Christmas movies??? I LOVE JUST ABOUT ALL OF EM. But to name a few: A Mom For Christmas, Mickeys Twice Upon A Christmas, Pirates of the Caribbean pop up every now & then lol, um what else?? OH Christmas Vacation *Sparky lol*. Anyway if you got you a little family or a BIG GINORMOUS HUG ONE plan a movie night. And watch something worth while you kno?? Also so that it can def go in the memory scrap book ^.^


So why do ppl make such fuss about eggnog. IF UT TASTES GOOD ENJOY IT DAMMIT!! lol like I LUV IT it tastes good (never had the "ADULT" version lol) and idc if there's nutmeg missin or half an egg gone so what I still see u drinking it dammit lol

Well kids that's all for now I'll have more late KK!!



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