Thursday, December 9, 2010

Twelve Days Of Christmas | Day 9

SOOO what to talk about today?? HMMMM......

Well the other I thought about my dad. And for those of you that don't know my dad died Thanksgivng Thursday, November 28, 2008. Yea it was a sucky holiday and I sttill absolutely DESPISE the bloody holiday lol. So how bout this year, I totally missed that day can't even REMEMBER WTF I was doing or what happoned that day.....its crazy stuff lmao. So today 2 years ago was the day we buried him. ITS LIKE WOOOOOWWW!!! I still miss him alot but I think that this year is so much better and it shows that I'm able to grow and move on ya kno?? That makes me happy ^.^

Can yawl believe that we got 3 MORE DAYS?!?!?!?! I can't lol

WELP!! Not much happoned today lmao just kinda chilled and kicked it. SLEPT IN even tho I did go to bed kinda EARLAY XXDDD I'm sucha LOSER but fuck it IDC



SOOO who's done they're Christmas shopping already??? I know what I want to get my mamma but since I'm broker than the toys from The Island of Misfit Toys lol. SOOOOO IDK what I'm fin to get her to show its L-O-V-E from Mz. Bunny lol EH I could always draw her sumtin and color it for her ^.^ or make her sumtin AWESOMELY COOL *NODS* UH HUH =D

Anyway how many of you guys are waiting till Christmas Eve EVE to buy whatever left and call it a day?? lol

So I'm still job searching tho 6.< I think I may try at a few of the local hotels, see what's up with them. I don't really care what the job is at this point in time I just want a JOB. I GOT BILLS and stuff to pay for ya kno??? eeehhhhhhh maybe a couple Sextillion DOLLARS will drop in my lap lmao!!! But here's the best part it's not that I'm not able to work you kno?? It's the fact that since my credit is soooo fucked up like POOP I can't get a job. Ok let's explore that!!! HOW IDIOTIC IS IT TO FUCK UP SOMEONE'S CREDIT WHICH STOPS THEM COMPLETELY IN OBTAINING A JOB?? Like what idiot came up with that dumb ass rule?? However the debt collectors are bitchin and complaining that they wanna be PAID, LIKE if you wanna pay that off for me bitch then we'll all be happy right?? Makes no sense to me of whatsoever lol BUT OH TO THE WELL!!!! I ain't fin to let this dumb ol stupid BS ppl wanna dish out to me and fuck up my program. I'm gonna enjoy myself and still be enjoyin myself when 2011 and 20-12 HITS!! Plus I'll be takin pictures when the world turns inside out in 2012 and if not I'll be just a disappointed as I was when 2K0 no that's not it 6_6 is it 2KY?? OH OH OH NO NO 2YK =D......that dont even sound right -_- hold on a sec *elevator music plays* OK!!! and we're back took me a minute lmfaoooooooooo XXXDDDDD it was only 10 years ago!!! CRS haha (can't remember shit) lol ok it's called Y2K HELLO!! I was mad bout that tho lol but then I said fuck it and continued watchin Heavy Metal 2000 it's a good movie that and the original Heavy Metal yawl should check that out tho ^.^ ok so I'm rambling and I kno yawl don't wanna hear it lmao I'll HIT YAWL UP for Day 10 2mrw or *checks clock 6.<* SOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNN O_O if I GET BORED OR SUMTIN ^_^ *WHISPERS: COZ I KNO HOW MUCH YINZ BE MISSIN ME ;D CTFU* (^з^)-☆


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