Saturday, June 9, 2018

Reason 5: Work Ethics


I always thought I had a pretty decent worth ethic. I learned the basics from my parents and always felt ready for the working world. Unfortunately, I wasn’t. I was prepared but definitely not ready. I was told by my parents that if I showed up to work on time, be a team player and go in everyday no issues the employer will love me and I’d have little to no issues. I could succeed within the positon and company and create a career. Which is true, but only so much.


They only talked to me about how work ethics worked when they were working which is some 40 year difference. Then jobs accepted people and trained them and gave them job security. Jobs nowadays barely even offer paid time off or health care. I never thought working would so damned difficult. There I said it. I don’t care. It’s difficult as fuck for no reason. The prisons treat the inmates better than these companies do. I took my parents taught me into my jobs but I never considered that they would go unappreciated and I would be taken for granted and advantage of. I would be considered more of a crutch to the company opposed to an asset.


I had to learn that being early gets noticed but not for me being a diligent worker. One job had me show up almost an hour early before my schedule shift and then not pay me for it. Others have had me start as soon as I got there. No no. I start at 11:30 I’mma be ready for work at 11:31 not 11:14ambut you don’t start paying me until 11:31…. No no honey it don’t work that way and I’m not having it. I’ve had my paycheck messed up and no one wanted to fix or correct it. I’ve been promised time off and it get revoked without my knowledge. Even when getting dismissed from a company I received misinformation or information LATE and then told it was my fault I didn’t ask. How am I going to ask for information that is supposed to be given to me so I know to ask. It’s not like we’re talking potty training here or that we know blue and red makes purple. This is that oh you should’ve know that blue and orange make gray or that 1-2 month old kittens don’t know how to pee unless you rub their tummy. Shit that I need told to me. But I’m supposed to know this next level knowledge. I don’t like that. But I know it comes from this well I had to do it and so will you thought process but that’s not fair to jeopardize someone’s livelihood to quench your insatiable thirst.


However, I learned something with the last two jobs I had. Just can’t do my FUCK THIS JOB I’M LEAVING temper tantrum anymore. I’m getting older and it’s getting harder to find a job, let alone trying to find help. Single women are the country’s favorite thing unless we’re getting married and popping out babies. So instead of spazzing out like I want to do, I can’t I have to accept the mistreatment *eye roll* and keep it pushing if I want my job.


But(!) I decided to do things differently this time. I’ve been working diligently on my side business. I always pushed it to the side because I felt it wasn’t a right time or I wasn’t as financially stable as I wanted to be. So I continuously put it off, plus I wasn’t sure what it was going to be anyway. Yeah I did my flips and sold items years ago, but I needed to do something more. Especially now since items and resources are so readily available. I consider doing nails but I also didn’t want to be put in the position where someone is petty and wants to report me. However someone gave me an idea last year and I was able to turn that idea into something and it started me to think of other things to do. So now I’m making hair jewelry, eventually I’ll be starting on bath bombs, lip balms, soaps, maybe bath salts and still perfecting roller ball perfume. But what if I start something magical and not so clichéd? I think that’ll be awesome. I’m super excited about it. So between my 2 jobs, I’ll be working on my business as well. Lets not forget I wrote 3 books, and hoping to publish more (goal is to publish 2 this month). Since I’m self-publishing I’m still working on getting it distributed across all platforms as well. I don’t want to work for someone else’s dream to make a livelihood while being unappreciated the entire time. Yeah I know I won’t hit instant success but I also don’t want to be stuck scrounging for income because I lost a job or had one taken from me because someone else saw fit. That’s ok, I have a backup plan to a backup plan and I’m damned and determined to succeed.


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