Friday, September 13, 2013

Art Portfolio Flashback

Now I recall being in college and when I was in the middle of switching my majors. I realized then I would not only need to transfer campuses but I also needed an art portfolio. Which isn't a bad idea when you've been working on it for years and building it up into a spectacular masterpiece. However I needed the portfolio if I wanted to go to the main campus (of Penn State) otherwise I wasn't allowed into the program. What made it worst because I was going into Integrative Arts with an emphasis in Visual Communications, I was required to have all art in my portfolio. So that mean, traditional drawing and paintings, multimedia based art, even video, film and three-dimentional art as well. Well I needed to take many more classes to get that far, heck I even need to have some computer aided drafting and architectural designs, even interior designs and all I had was my cute little doodles and paint by whatevers from my art classes.
However when I saw this picture, I was actually shocked but yet I was kind of happy. I wish there was such a thing when I was in college to help take off the frustration and pressures of putting a portfolio together. Because if it's not done in a professional matter; you will not be taken seriously and presentation is everything when it comes to the world of art and visuals. I think this is a wonderful idea even if a fee is charged, it's still worth it in the end if you've got the passion and the talent to become more than just a paint-by-numbers doodle artist. Then again if you're like me, just deciding that this is what you want to do, getting a portfolio together and not knowing what to put in it can be challenging. Every place is different but I say if you at least have a few works already that can be plus, and it can show the beholder how much you've grown and how much your art has evolved over the years. Here's a wonderful website here giving a basic example of what an art portfolio should house. Another good art portfolio is DeviantArt. Even though it's online based, it still gives you the chance to see what others have in their "portfolios" and give you an idea of what you should be doing. As well as you get to learn of all the different categories within the arts, if you find one you like then work on that and make that your strongest point while also engaging in other things you've never done before (find me on DeviantArt here).

I can honestly say I've always love drawing and coloring and enjoyed the outcome of everything I colored or drew. However over the recent years I took an interest in to manga and anime artwork. I find it beautiful, colorful and unique in its own way. Was I mangaka no, am I now after going to Manga Univeristy? No. But I found something I enjoy and I think I do a pretty good job at it. But I love it so much that I want to become better at and that moment I think is when an artist knows what they're truly good at. If not, then I know I'm great at drawing stick figures and facial expressions lol.

But here are a few of my drawings, I have a few that sucks and that's ok but it's good to say oh hey I'm getting better at this too! The two pictures below I freelanced in Draw Something 2. The eye (which is one thing I love to draw) was done on my iPhone while the Princess Kida was done on my HTC phone.

I actually used a tutorial to draw the picture below. 
It had been awhile since I drew something and decided to do a tutorial.
 I must Mark Crilley is a fantastic artist as well as teacher so to speak. 


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