Sunday, September 23, 2012

Clueless About Autumn

Soo after what usually takes one day that turned into a week. I finish got my nailed filled and polished up good for the new Season!!

I love fall and winter so much!! Makes me happy. Even though it feels like we're going to have a bad winter. It's worth it. Means I can be in the house and blog that much more hahaha. Anyway to kick off the new season, I decided to do something interesting. It's not yet time for October and I thought anything Halloween themed would be a bit much. So I found this cute argyle design by Sally Hansen called Sweet Tart-An. But I'm not a huge lover of pink and I knew I needed a back up. While I was out I found this nice champagned color. It's called Raise A Glass.

Here's a picture of them (and other colors you might be interested in! Lol):

Thank goodness I found a picture that had both colors on there lol. Makes my blog life that much easier. I liked how these two looked together. I originally wanted to use rhinestones, but changed my mind when I remembered I had brown colored beads. Hot Damn we've got a Homerun!! Lol

Thus creating this:

For the awkward looking cut on the ring and index fingers. I actually used a piece of cardboard that had this curved like edge. I place the edge how I wanted (next best thing would be to trace it with an eyeliner pencil or permanent marker felt tip pen), cut it and placed it on the already covered nail. Then I got my beads and put them on by polish like I usually do. I didn't use glue this time to secure them, so not only did they move a couple fell off. Plus the brown color was fading off due to the Seche Vite top coat. Either way, I think it's a jive start off to Fall. I like it very very much :D!

How about you dolls?? I would've loved it if it could've been a blue argyle instead ;D haha!

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