Friday, September 21, 2012

A Note To Klein

I'mma be honest and say I understand where Klein is coming from first and for most. People don't understand how hard it is to swallow and accept defeat. No matter how hard you try and no matter what you did. It's not accept and it's not worth it. And to have society hound you for not being a productive adult. How do you do that when society stomps you for every effort you've made. It's really sad and I feel sorry for him. Desperate Times call for Desperate Measures. I just hope he's able to find the peace and happiness he's looking for. Life has become more than just a Bitch. Even Bitches have good days lol. But this has become ridiculous. I just hope the authorities take this a delicately as possible. When you've got your back against the wall and under a rock and next to a hard place the next best thing is Survival Strategy.

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