Monday, August 27, 2012

Nail Shop

So it's been ages since I was last at my favorite nail salon in our neighborhood. Coming in here not only was the smell of acrylics, polish and such galore a good memory refresher. Just being in the atmosphere again was so nostalgic all I could was smile. However I was worried about coming down here on a Monday, because I recall awhile back they would be jammed pack with more women than a man with a harem!

But I have a nail shop emergency that only a professional can handle, fix, correct and make look SOOO MUCH BETTER!!

Well in the midst of my 31 Day Challenge. The horrible acetone ate my Thumb Nail up!! Not a good look. Not to mention my pinky nail on the right hand had endured so much buffing and nail filing it had a Extremely Severe Weak spot! Oh my! What's a girl to do?? Well I tried to fix it myself, last night, in the dark. Had to do it outside since my mom doesn't like the acetone smell. Plus yesterday wasn't as nice as I wanted it to be. She spilled something on me and I had to wash up and wash clothes—old people are like little kids if not worse! So it took forever to get whatever the grossness was off. Then she decided she wanted something to eat. After a serious adventure doing that. She says she wants the food brought to her and thought I knew she wanted it that way. How the heck am I suppose to know if you don't tell me. So pressed for time I tried to correct my two problems. Only to fuck it up even more and cut my thumb with the nail file. It hurt like hell last night, now it's just sore and uncomfortable at times. So I was able to get one mistake off but as for the other I was concerned since I did cut my finger I didn't want to dip it in the acetone and get it infected. So I decided to go on down to the nail shop.

While I started writing this my turn came. The guy tried to get it off and to no avail failed and said to me:

I'll just file it down and put on a new tip ok then when it grows out it'll get fixed.

So he basically did what I did last night XD!! Hmm sometimes gut feelings are the best to go with lol. But in the end I chose a black polish design something that looked like something I would do so it wouldn't been too extravagant. Thankfully the rest of the Nail Challenge days are all full nail coverage XD LMFAO!


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