Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Path

I was texting a friend and i thought i should share this with everybody.

Yup we're all given a path, and like the humans we are, we've planned out how we would go along this journey. However we didn't plan how long it would take, if there will be bumps and mishaps, detours or that we may have to go back and start all over again or lost time and momentum in tasks along the way. We don't know what's on the other end, but we've got to at least hope it's something we truly want and will learn to love and be happy with. We've got to be strong and pick ourselves up in all that doesn't go our way and destroy us and even makes it hard to those times when you don't want to go on any more. Just keep trying, it won't be sunny and rainbows all damn day or all the time and we have to learn how to accept those rainy nights, cold winters and dazed autumns. It sucks and makes no sense. No one can really give answer to the reasoning but it's something we've got to do. Don't let someone or something hold you back or let someone make you stay and wait because they've found an extended happiness for the moment or they found their actual happiness. That prevents you from seeing what's down the road and regret the shoulda, coulda and wouldas you know??

No one said it would be easy. No one said it would hard. Those that said so, are only finding an easy way of encouragement. Sometimes it works and for others it doesn't. We're not meant to know what we're going to be and many of you can agree with me and say you're not the same person who started this journey. I'm probably the last person who should be telling anybody to keep on going and trying. Since I'm at a point in my road where I'm taking shelter at this little house with no hope or a way to move along. But keep on trying, I guarantee it will be worth it and you'll get to experience so much and have so many memories. Plus I think the more experiences you have the wiser you will be.

So keep at that path and work hard, do your best. Do what's best for you and your life. It's yours and no on else's. It can be fixed even if it seems like it can't. Just takes a little bit of elbow grease and determination. Eventually when you begin to experience the good and can deal with the bad and over the things that'll know you down. That's when you know you're doing great and you're going in the right direction.

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