Monday, April 16, 2012

3 Things....or more

Hi you guys!!

So I just wanted to let you Guyz & Dollz & Groupiez know a few things.

If you love love love reading my blog or all of this lol. Good I'm glad ^_^.

But seriously if you do find enjoyment in what I write or find something informative then please continue what you're doing and I'll continue what I'm doing!!

I decided to do this way back in the beginning to express myself in a way that was being muffled. But I guess it didn't go well for whatever the reason was then. However it turned into a good way to express myself and say stuff without being judged or my friends feeling offended or being told how I should so-n-so type situations. And it made me happy.

But I didn't want this to be a self help or HOW-TO blog or blabber about nonchalant things. That's not the point. This is meant for everybody and I'd like to keep it that way. So read, read, & read!!! Besides when you do that I know when to write good stuff lol.

In simplest of words....Thank you for everything :) you guys make me happy too ^_^.

Alright 2nd thing!! That one above was the first thing.

COMMENT!!! Tell me how you feel!! If you feel you got a couple cents, pounds, euros or yen to give. Go head and give them. Just no funny business or attitude. You go to the discussion boards and forums for that ok. I will not tolerate it!! This is a no bitchassness zone!! Lol

But either way, I'd like for you all to tell me how you feel about any of the posts. If there's something you want to talk about or something you don't know or want to do....Please let me know. Now I'm not gonna promise the world to you and you already know I'm a Lazy Taurus and the best of things comes to those who wait. So nothing too demanding ok?? But I'll try to help or entertain as much as I can :D.

So comment!! Don't be afraid!!

3rd thing

Hit CTRL+D right now. Yes yes go on then!! Go on and press the buttons love!!

Ahh doesn't that feel better??? Lol

If your on blogger or blogspot

Copy this ==>>

Go to your dashboard and scroll down to Reading List

Click add

And paste that URL above into the box and hit NEXT!


Or just scroll ALL THE WAY DOWN to the BOTTOM and click the Follow Button ^_^.

There you are, now one of my favorite creepers ^_^ and I mean that in a good way.

Now if you're a busy beaver or everywhere than where you should be—like me.

When you get to my web page (non mobile site) scroll down to that bottom section and on the left hand side you can subscribe via email!!

Just insert your primary email there (or as many as you like, separately of course!!). And click Submit.

Then fill out the necessaries on the pop up window.

So if your busy or got class or away on a vaycay. You'll get an email of the most recent posts!! You will only get an email when theres been a post, if I don't post—no email. So when you get the time you can go check out what's new and what's HOTT lol.

There so now you have no excuse to keep in touch with me o(^▽^)o

4th Thing

Don't be afraid to add or follow me on Facebook, Twitter or Tumblr. I love having new friends and getting to know people. Plus if you know me I don't play weirdness so you act strange or tick me off—you get deleted!!

But FEAR NOT!! Just go and search me and add me. It should be easier now that itzmzbunny is a common associate to me. So you'll be able to find me and like stuff or whatever rocks your socks =D. If you want the easy way out check out the Social Networks to the right and the More Social Networks under the Usako menu at the top.

I am on formspring but rarely participate (=..=) I just don't like it.

But if you want the best of me I suggest you check out Facebook, Tumblr or Twitter and here of course. I have a tendency of letting things become laxed and will become M-I-AWOL lol.

Maybe we'll try to revive the MySpace again, hmm I dunno what you think??? Lol

So what are you waiting for??? C'mon and get social with me :).

Well that's it for now. If I have any more complaints I shall inform you immediately ^_^ hehehee

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